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I wasn't recognised

Post 1

Moose (Researcher 32986)

I was unable to get to my home page.... until I read a previous article on this caboodle from someone having a similar problem ... thanks to that person (I can't remember who you are and I can't find the article again).

The answer was to use the URL listed on the mail message you get sent when you first register. The problem was blamed on cookies, or netscape or something.... Why should I have to know about all about Cookies just to log-in? And I'm using IE3 not Netscape (and please don't inflict more torture on me by trying to get me to upgrade to IE5). And why did it work the first few times and then stop... I havn't gone around deleting cookies or anything.

And when you do use that URL it thinks you've only just registered (but I was happy to see it had not wiped all my data though). It really is all most unsatisfactory.
Why can't you just be asked to type in a user password like practically every other internet site that has user accounts?

Moan, grumble, winge... etc

I wasn't recognised

Post 2


Sorry you're having problems.

You're right. You shouldn't need to know about cookies and we've been ironing out the bugs to do with this.

We're currently testing a login/password implementation for those who want it.

Could you please tell us what ISP you are using just so we can check if there's some cookie eating proxy in the way.

smiley - fish

I wasn't recognised

Post 3

Moose (Researcher 32986)

Yes my ISP is globalnet. (www.globalnet.co.uk I think)

Sorry for moaning so much by the way ... I can't help myself sometimes ....I'm a really nice person really ... 'onest! I know that getting a big new system under control is like wrestling a crocodile coated in teflon. Good luck with it.

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