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The adventures of Fisselwot

Post 21


The proclamators set out in galleys and hot air balloons of crimson and orange to bring the council of youngers to the emerald palace...

The adventures of Fisselwot

Post 22


Meanwhile davinci and Lord Argos's army materialised in Quantum ......where are we screamed the men...... but no sound came out of their mouths.....

The adventures of Fisselwot

Post 23


Its no use screaming said davinci ......sound does not exsist here only thoughts ......

The adventures of Fisselwot

Post 24


A kalidescope of confused images played one after the other across the mens minds each more terrified than the last...... Stop cried out a femine visage....calm yourselves at once or you will be lost....came the stern but comforting thoughts as before...and then an image appeared.....

The adventures of Fisselwot

Post 25


Though she had no love for Argos or his men she could'nt bear that anyone should suffer and possibly it was not to late and these men might still be turned......

The adventures of Fisselwot

Post 26


Its the Lost Queen Mirabel.... the men cried out save us oh gracious queen.... Why should I save you have you not helped injure my kinsman.... taken my fathers kingdom and broken it in half.... Why should I help the Men who helped Argos caryr me off against my will....

The adventures of Fisselwot

Post 27


Queen Mirabel stood proud and beautiful with her silver hair streaming out behind her and her emerald eyes glaring at them....Suddenly she closed her eyes and a beam of emerald light flew out of her eyes and peirced the mens minds

The adventures of Fisselwot

Post 28


The mens minds went blank they did not know who they were or where they were or how they got there......suddenly they were being given a second chance a fresh mind that was no longer evil though they had the choice to develop into evil yet again but now they could choose goodness again also.....

The adventures of Fisselwot

Post 29


Meanwhile back in flux Lord Argos was pacing up and down slashing at the air with his sword...... screaming I will get you davinci if it's the last thing I do....

The adventures of Fisselwot

Post 30


At the same time fisselwot and thatawot were landing on the plane of kremalin in the hockerdooly islands ......Nepulan will rise in a few hours for now sleep.... and when you rise we will start your training said thatawot

The adventures of Fisselwot

Post 31


The proclamators commenced returning with the youngers...ah now our council can begin bring out the photonic cannon and sound the drums...

The adventures of Fisselwot

Post 32


And so it was that while all the realms within time were working towards C...... He who shall not be named watched on.....Missaless it is time........ release the gryphons he said in a soft rumbling voice..Yes Creator I exsist to make it so...with this Missaless hurried from the room... and He who shall not be named.....

The adventures of Fisselwot

Post 33


Are you ready to resume story telling me Lord

The adventures of Fisselwot

Post 34


and so the story continues uuhh cough cough I say do wake up over there

The adventures of Fisselwot

Post 35


uu wake up your self ....and so Fisselwot awoke next morning to find that thatawot was looking into his eyes...he did not know that Fisselwot was awake...and he kept on saying to himself trechres trechres....whihc was a special incantation to make Fisselwot very good and doing this or that.....Thatawot noticed that Fisselwot was now awake and he said are you ready to begin your training...and Fisselwot replied yes but I am very hungry....roast casselot suddenly appeared from Thatawots sleeve...eat up its very very yummy....and so Fisselwot munched and crunched hisa way trhoguh two plates of roast casselotsmiley - choc

The adventures of Fisselwot

Post 36


it occurs to me that Fisselwot's appearance is unkown to you the reader .. Fisselwot is a small creature covered in a soft down that resembles tiny feathers but feels very like a soft fur....depending on the angle you observe Fisselwot depends on the colour he appears as his down refracts the light just as a prisim does....he has two small hands with four long fingers ...large luminous eyes and a soft melodic voice that sounds like a flute... Fisselwot glydes across the ground when ever he moves and wherever they go small sun dews blossom behind them

The adventures of Fisselwot

Post 37


Now I want to describe what Thatawot looks like too.....He is bony and skinny but at some points on his body he is fatter than a hobbit.....they eat flux flowers that grow in the puddle duck forrests and their voice sounds like a smooth treacle but when they want it to they can sound like a roaring lion. they are mostly known for there great running skills and pushups which they can do......they have medium length arms but they are quite short genreally being no bigger than a five year old human child......Their eyes look like big green ponds and if they are in the dark for too long they have these sort of glowgongs that come out of their hands in the dark and illuminate the darkness around them.... no matter where they are the light stays with them.

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