A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat
Errors in article
The Wisest Fool Started conversation Sep 2, 1999
Three of your anagrams listed aren't anagrams, namely
"Leroy Newton Gigrinch", "The earthquakes" and "The Conservative Party"
They actually fit snugly into the not-quite-an-anagram-really category
Errors in article
Smiley Ben Posted Sep 2, 1999
You are absolutely right...
I really ought to check these articles more carefully!
Now who was it that wrote this article.....
Errors in article
Cigarrette Smoking Man Posted Sep 3, 1999
Well, "the earthquakes" could be legitimately written as "that queer shake". I haven't tried to figure out the others, but I'm sure I've seen an accurate version of the Armstrong one before.
Errors in article
47318 - I am a number not a free man Posted Sep 3, 1999
Actually the whole article is pulled almost word for word from joke-of-the-day.com from 25 June 1998.
The only difference being errors in transcription, which mean that the Newt Gingrich anagram should read "Yon Right-winger Clone"
Errors in article
47318 - I am a number not a free man Posted Sep 3, 1999
Oops - the reference didn't quite work as expected, but you get my drift...
Errors in article
Jim Lynn Posted Sep 3, 1999
And in case you're wondering, these conversations have been moved to the Chat forum because we've cancelled the Anagrams article.
Errors in article
vegiman:-) Posted Sep 3, 1999
Hi SmileyB
Thanks for submiting my article VegRacks - I notice I can edit it, is it prudent for me to do so or should I just report erros to you.
Errors in article
Smiley Ben Posted Sep 3, 1999
Please don't, I think...
Whilst I, a humble sub-editor, do not understand all the ways of the editors, I believe that that is not there to be touched...
Or something...
Errors in article
vegiman:-) Posted Sep 3, 1999
Not too bad of an error, in the list 1 2 3 you have used a comma in two items and a colon in the last. I do believe you are correct in the alterations, but somehow it has lost its sparkle. I know the humour I used was OTT and was bound to be toned down but it was meant to be light hearted. Anyway if you could alter the ,,:
Finicky yours vegiman
Errors in article
Smiley Ben Posted Sep 3, 1999
Erm... What do you suggest. With the words it has as it stands it need to have a comma for the first two and a colon for the last...
Errors in article
vegiman:-) Posted Sep 4, 1999
Bows down, blushing enough to make the monitor turn a pinky hue.
You are absolutely right - I misread it and have made complete ass of myself.
Sorry SmilieB
Key: Complain about this post
Errors in article
- 1: The Wisest Fool (Sep 2, 1999)
- 2: Smiley Ben (Sep 2, 1999)
- 3: Cigarrette Smoking Man (Sep 3, 1999)
- 4: Cigarrette Smoking Man (Sep 3, 1999)
- 5: 47318 - I am a number not a free man (Sep 3, 1999)
- 6: 47318 - I am a number not a free man (Sep 3, 1999)
- 7: Jim Lynn (Sep 3, 1999)
- 8: The Wisest Fool (Sep 3, 1999)
- 9: vegiman:-) (Sep 3, 1999)
- 10: Smiley Ben (Sep 3, 1999)
- 11: vegiman:-) (Sep 3, 1999)
- 12: Smiley Ben (Sep 3, 1999)
- 13: vegiman:-) (Sep 4, 1999)
- 14: Smiley Ben (Sep 4, 1999)
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