This is the Message Centre for Rho

Two years old

Post 1


I'm two years (and two days) old! smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly

I claim that these announcements for "n years old" are being posted at the "n years + n day(s)" mark for historical reasons, and not because I keep forgetting until it's too late. smiley - winkeye


Two years old

Post 2

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Happy birthday smiley - bubbly

Two years old

Post 3


Alternative reasons:
- encroaching and increasing senility.
- logging in from another planet with a slightly different year.
- adjusting for the time dilation effect of being omnipresent.
- setting up a cunning code for future historians to find and decrypt.

Two years old

Post 4


Happy Birthday ya old fart! smiley - ok... I kid! I kid! Happy 2nd Annniversary, Rho. smiley - smiley

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