This is the Message Centre for GoatBoater

A much belated welcome

Post 1

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

It would appear that you have been out and about in your little boat and not returned to our weird and wonderful world since October 4/02.

But I have only just been advised, by tonsil revenge U186749, to read your introduction page. He recommended it, as highly as he is likely to recommend anything. I like it too, so I'm sure it will soon be featured in <./>AggGag</.>CAC.

In hope that you will one day return and find this message, and be encouraged to further explore our icepacked tropical whirled,
smiley - peacedove
~jwf~ for <./>AggGag</.>CAC

A much belated welcome

Post 2

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

smiley - ok

A much belated welcome

Post 3

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

I am featuring Goatboater's 'Tribute to DNA' in this week's (Jan 9/03) issue of <./>AggGag</.>CAC.

smiley - peacedove

A much belated welcome

Post 4

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

That's precisely where I came from (I took a sneak preview) smiley - laugh

A much belated welcome

Post 5

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - doh
Actually, it was another DNA tribute - A859485 - salvaged from the Flea Market which I included in the Jan 9 edition.

Goatboater's is in the next ruff draft I'm assembling smiley - flustered which has yet to be assigned a publication date (which of course is what I said in Post #1...)

smiley - tomatosmiley - run

A much belated welcome

Post 6

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Oh, so I'm missing one account there smiley - run

A much belated welcome

Post 7

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Probably not. I was just trying to correct the misleading information I gave in Posting #3 above. smiley - sorry
The DNA 'Memorial' sent to the Flea Market last week is in this week's edition. The GoatBoater DNA 'Tribute' is in a ruff draft for a publication date to-be-announced once we re-establish the CAC editorial roto. smiley - winkeye

A much belated welcome

Post 8

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

smiley - ok, thanks for clarifying this!

Oh, the roto! I've still got a some huge pile of stuff to wade through and sort out the eligibles. Glad I'm looking forward to a couple of days off smiley - winkeye

A much belated welcome

Post 9

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

I saw that 'giving birth' entry you mentioned elsewhere. I hope you'll keep an eye on that one and include it any page assembly you might begin to undertake. It is a Deusy! The image of Ayer's Rock and Moby Dick will linger with me for a considerable time. smiley - bigeyes


A much belated welcome

Post 10

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

yes I'll take it under my wings smiley - ok

A much belated welcome

Post 11


Belated 'Yes', but a welcome indeed.

Thanks for the comments, its nice to be reminded that there is life outside this small seaside town. Please excuse my (what I am sure is in-excusable) ignorance but what is this fine publication of which you speak. I have been out of the h2g2 world for a while and so I am not up on these things. I shall have to check it out.

JW - Yes - The boat has had its fair share of my body recently (although a few bits were left on the mountain I was snowboarding on). Are you a goatboater yourself?

A much belated welcome

Post 12

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Glad to see you stayed afloat in your lil goat boat! smiley - biggrin
Your timing is impeccably improbable smiley - bigeyes !

Click on this: smiley - thepost

It will take you to The Post, h2g2's weekly newspaper. Below the editors opening remarks, at the top of the left hand column, you will see "CAC - 06.02.03" which is this weeks issue from us at <./>AggGag</.> CAC

There you will find that links to you and your homepage-tribute-to-DNA are featured. Enjoy!

smiley - biggrin

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