This is the Message Centre for ..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150

Musical Preferences

Post 1

..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150

Well today I updated my front page....and put toooo much info on lol smiley - steam. So decided to make a cpl journal entries....this is a list of my fav bands

Dead Kennedys smiley - monster
The Stranglers smiley - cool
The Cult smiley - magic
Siouxsie and the Banshees smiley - disco
New Model Army smiley - cool
The Clash smiley - monster
Sisters of Mercy smiley - magic
Linkin Park smiley - drool
Nirvana smiley - magic
Foo Fighters smiley - monster
Puddle of Mudd smiley - cool
Nickelback smiley - cool

Plus I like RnB/Reggae/Ska and 60's smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote

Musical Preferences

Post 2

miss.shy...this life??

nickelback smiley - cool
linkin parksmiley - cool

me i like nethin that sounds good quite an obscure collection of albums smiley - biggrin

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