A Conversation for The Other Side of the World

Writing Workshop: A823141 - The Other Side of the World

Post 1

LL Waz

Entry: The Other Side of the World - A823141
Author: Pinniped - U183682

I don't know how many times I've thought of putting this piece of Pin's here, (along with at least half a dozen others), but this weekend it's made its own choice.

It puts our incredible capacity as humans for both inflicting pain and for survival and reconciliation in a such a quiet way, that it almost seems to slow time down.

*sigh* and now I've got to go to the garden centre - that's life for you.

Thanks again for this one, Pin.

A823141 - The Other Side of the World

Post 2


WW or AWW?

A823141 - The Other Side of the World

Post 3

LL Waz

smiley - doh

A823141 - The Other Side of the World

Post 4


This is a very powerful, thought provoking, and beautifully written piece of writing.

Flame smiley - magic

A823141 - The Other Side of the World

Post 5


Hi Flame


Not as recent as you guess, though. It was written in the week of the first anniversary of 9/11, just after I returned home from the business trip to Hiroshima that it describes.

It's a true story, therefore, give or take a little licence with the pacing of events. (The conversation really took place, and so did the walk in the park, though not at the same time)

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Writing Workshop: A823141 - The Other Side of the World

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