This is the Message Centre for Zucchini

Stop England - I Want To Get Off

Post 1


Upon hearing from my landlady that she is thinking of selling the house, my heart sinks. This is bad news. I don't think I can face moving house _again_. So here's the plan: I'm going to sell everything I own and buy a one way ticket to Japan. I'll probably get deported or maybe I'll get lucky (there must be lots of demand for an english-only speaking pleb with no skills). Hmm, maybe I shouldn't sell _everything_; my shoes and passport might be handy.

Stop England - I Want To Get Off

Post 2


I wanna go to Japan too!!!
smiley - smiley

Stop England - I Want To Get Off

Post 3


Fine, I'll sell everything you've got too...:>

Stop England - I Want To Get Off

Post 4

Raindawn - Keeper of Bookshelves that Defy the Laws of Physics

Just shoes and a passport???
Goodness! Don't forget your towel! smiley - winkeye

Cheers! smiley - ok

Stop England - I Want To Get Off

Post 5


What were you thinking man!? Of course you need your towel! One with daisies is preferable. See THHGTTG for tips on the nutritional values of these sacred relics.

Stop England - I Want To Get Off

Post 6


I was thinking of buying a towel when I got there... but of course I will need one for the journey too! How else will I know how far I've travelled? Thanks for reminding me.
I've recently discovered how handy it is to have a towel in every room of the house.

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