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how do i become a member?

Post 21


everytime i click on the part where it says if youre not a member post ere,i end up on the smiley page and its doing my head in now!!
i also wanna put pictures on my introduction so do i go to "edit page"for this?
let me know loup i need your help!

how do i become a member?

Post 22


Hi FALLENANGEL smiley - ok
will put you on the members dropdown list smiley - ok

As for puting pictures on your page,
You have to go to the EDIT PAGE and then at the bottonm you will see it says
you have to put a spot in the GuideML spot and then click on the

makesure that you put every thing in the

Every thing has to be in here

and then you can go to the Picture libary here >> A692741
when you see the pic you want copy down the code and put it on your page

speak to you later

manda smiley - magic

make me a member!...pretty please!!

Post 23


hi,as youve probably gathered im fallenangel and i wanna be a member now ive finally found my way ere!!!smiley - biggrin

hi manda!

Post 24


thanx so much 4 your msg!smiley - biggrin
ill give it a go either later or 2moro,lets hope i do it right and it all works,ill be buzzing!!smiley - flyhi
so ill let u know how i get on!
smiley - cheers

hi manda!

Post 25


just wondered if you was haveing a go at the Friends of LD Writing competion here >> A830035smiley - ok

manda smiley - magic

hi manda!

Post 26


yep smiley - ok

i think loups gonna ave sum competition smiley - biggrin


romani smiley - angel told me bout it smiley - boing

Become A Drop Down Member Here....

Post 27


hi i would like to be added to the dropdown list my username is LOCK_N_LOAD and can u also add my g/f too plz hers is XXX.JODIE.XXX thanks

Become A Drop Down Member Here....

Post 28



smiley - disco consider your self a member smiley - ok

smiley - rainbow and welcome smiley - cheers

smiley - boing Are you goint to have a go at the writing competition smiley - wow

does your g/f have a U number on H2G2

manda smiley - magic

Become A Drop Down Member Here....

Post 29

Loup Dargent

hi exidos...

smiley - bubblywelcome to both you and your g/f...smiley - bubbly

feel free to pop in anytime you want for a chat...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Become A Drop Down Member Here....

Post 30


If any one is entering the Writting competition then I need your A numbers here >> F99079?thread=211751 please


Become A Drop Down Member Here....

Post 31


And dont ferget the new Ld Writing competion is on Music, and its Here >> A830035smiley - ok

manda smiley - ok

Become A Drop Down Member Here....

Post 32


Hello to you all,

Im a regular in Ld.....I hardly post in the library but I do read everything that goes on in there and many a day has been spent laughing away at the topics of conversation!!

I'd like to be put on the drop down list please!!!!

My Ld username is LytaAlexander!

Thanks n love n stuff to you all! ;0)


Become A Drop Down Member Here....

Post 33


Hi Researcher 203709 ,or is that LytaAlexander!
I will be glad to add you to the drop down list smiley - ok
and welcome smiley - cheers

but if you can do me a favor,
if you will go back to your own page ( click on the "My Space" at the top of this page )
then if you can click on the "EDIT PAGE" button and then write a little something about yourself and then click on the update button this will activate your page and then I will come and welcome you there properley

manda smiley - magic

Become A Drop Down Member Here....

Post 34

Loup Dargent

hi lytaAlexander...

smiley - bubblywelcomesmiley - bubbly

smiley - discoyour name will be added to the list asapsmiley - disco

talk soon

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Become A Drop Down Member Here....

Post 35


smiley - disco Hi Loup smiley - ok
smiley - bubbly both got there at the same time smiley - cheers

mandasmiley - magic

Become A Drop Down Member Here....

Post 36


Hi Manda,

I have done as you asked!! ;0) i just have one quick question if you don't mind can I do the smiley's etc??


Become A Drop Down Member Here....

Post 37


Hi Lyta , smiley - ok
if you put the name of the smily you want in it will come up as a smily smiley - biggrin
to get to the smily page just click on any smily that you see, like this one >> smiley - cheers
and then just have a look for the smily that you want smiley - cool

and the normal thing work like this : ) , if you do that without the space it comes out like this >> smiley - smiley

hope this helped

manda smiley - magic

Become A Drop Down Member Here....

Post 38

Loup Dargent

hi manda....

yep... once again we replied at the same time... hehe...

funny enough i only popped in for a few minutes before going back to LD [library]...

and the reply to this convo was the only one i made at the time...smiley - laugh...

talk soon...

loupsmiley - fullmoon

Become A Drop Down Member Here....

Post 39


Thank you!!! smiley - hug

smiley - laugh

Thats just what I wanted!! smiley - biggrin

Lyta smiley - cheers

Become A Drop Down Member Here....

Post 40

Loup Dargent

smiley - discosmiley party time thensmiley - disco... hehe...

smiley - bubblysmiley - redwinesmiley - stiffdrink or smiley - coffee?!...

talk soon everyone...

on my way back to Ld for a bitsmiley - run

loupsmiley - fullmoon

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