A Conversation for Singularly Hidden Avoidant Denizens Of the Web or S.H.A.D.O.W.

Television room

Post 1

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

Now to put my feet up while I watch a bit of telly AND read wearing my NEW bifocals with some smiley - tea& 2 biccies.I'd better hide the remote before someone comes in and puts the sport on.

Bliss on a Saturday afternoon.smiley - smiley


Television room

Post 2

McKay The Disorganised

Great 42" wide Screen TV - Dolby surround sound - We can catch the last few minutes of the United v Chelsea match.

Shame we didn't have this for the cup games.

Television room

Post 3


Has anyone got any good DVDs?

Television room

Post 4


Snow Dogs? It's very funny.

Or would you prefer the extended 4 disc LOTR?

Television room

Post 5


Can we manage both?
I don't know anything about Snow Dogs.

Television room

Post 6


I've got a snow smiley - dog in the house at the moment. Better chuck her out before she shakes herself. smiley - run

Television room

Post 7


Our cat kept trying different doors to see if the weather was better there. Mostly she spent the day lying on a window sill above a radiator. But then she does that most days anyway!

Television room

Post 8


Wish I could have a cat. smiley - wah

Television room

Post 9


Anything good on this evening?
I could do with a sit down in front of the box. Dinner on a tray, smiley - redwine followed by some smiley - coffee. Ah, the very thought of it is reviving!

Television room

Post 10


Let's see. Thursday, hmm.

Television room

Post 11


Well Titch is starting a new series of 'How to be a Gardener'. Plenty of smiley - drooling opportunity there. Ooh, I do like a capable man. smiley - drool

Or you could watch DIY SOS and comfort yourslef with the fact that your home isn't THAT bad. smiley - devil

'Get Away' on ITV at 7.30? You might even get the one we had last week, showing our area (why they showed it oop 'ere I'll never know smiley - laugh) and you can be jealous of me. smiley - biggrin

smiley - doh I seem to have given them to you in reverse order. Oh well - you could always watch them backwards.

Television room

Post 12


Half watched a UK history documentary on George VI. I'm sure I've seen it before. Escaped now to avoid yet another painful discussion with teenage son about what to do for Duke of Edinburgh award. Time his father took an interest!

Television room

Post 13

McKay The Disorganised

He could pass disparaging remarks about foreigners - I'm sure Phil would give him an award for that.

Television room

Post 14


Would that be skill, service or physical category?

Television room

Post 15

McKay The Disorganised

Probably skill, at least I assume Prince Phillip has been cultivating this ability and he wasn't born with it as an inate talent.

Television room

Post 16


Do you think he's getting better at it then? smiley - tongueout

Now I need another slob in fromt of the telly. Still stressed out over my Mum scalding her hands & weary from painting the kitchen ceiling this afternoon. At least my new kitchen is usable now!

Television room

Post 17

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

Well I've got some time to settle down and watch summat.


The usual summer viewing I see.Endless Big Brother,repeats and news or sport.

Well here's a film.

smiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzz................

Incog.smiley - zzzsmiley - zzzsmiley - zzz...........................................

Television room

Post 18


smiley - footprints

Television room

Post 19


Oooh I could do with a sit down. First quiet evening this week. Just loaded up the car ready for a car boot sale tomorrow smiley - puff. Wonder if it's worth the effort - bet I'll come back with most of it smiley - sadface.

So what's on then smiley - yawnsmiley - zzz

Television room

Post 20


Anyone seen the remote control?

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