This is the Message Centre for Terran

My legs drifting off into the sunset...

Post 1

Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels

I don't know why I am sending you or anyone a message. I should be asleep. But like I was reading in your conversation with Yankee and MO, this place is addictive. I sent you a message on Jeff's page and liked the look of yours. So here I am with nothing to talk about and the world @ my finger tips. I am a 'ugly american' and live in, don't laugh, Texas. NO!, I do not own a horse or a cowboy hat and do not have a southern accent. But Texas is a very large Blackhole. Once you go in you never get out and if you do it drags you back in. I evne lived in Long Island, NY for a year. Never been to the UK though I got the chance to stay an hour outside Munich, Germany for three months. While there I spent time in Stuttgart, Amsterdam and Vence. I would do anything to back to Europe. smiley - grovel Like I said I am an 'ugly american' but not your typical one. England is far up on my list of places to visit. The problems of Time and Money you know. I need to at least get the H**l out of TX. I am going to Florida, my birthplace, for a week or so next month. Must Sleep, See You In Cyper Space. smiley - towel

My legs drifting off into the sunset...

Post 2


Whats the weather like in Texas at this time of year? By the way what was your favourite place in Main land Europe?

Anyway, Thanks for leaving a message,
Terran smiley - earth

My legs drifting off into the sunset...

Post 3

Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels

I AM STILL AWAKE! Well, I might as put the time to good use. It is 6 o'clock in the morning here! Anyway sorry. I kept getting IM's from my girlfriend asking me the stupidest questions about this site and telling me about all kinds of stuff that could wait for tomorrow. Of course she may read this and it may hit the fan but I don't care right now. Sorry I had to vent. I actually just got my local forecast via email so to answer the question a little pasting.

Today: Sunny skies. High F 92. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph.

Tonight: Mostly clear. Low F 69. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph.

Tomorrow: A few clouds from time to time. High F 92. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph.

Tomorrow night: Clear. Low around F 70. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph.

I am sure you do Celsius (is that how you spell that I am terrible at spelling) out there But they send it to me like this. But basically it's saying it is REALLY HOT, but cool for this time of year. Last year it was much hotter. What is it like there?

I have a cordless keyboard and the batteries are going out. So I have to retype some letters every couple seconds.

But to change to a much better subject. I only spent any time in the places I mentioned. Munich, Stuttgart, Amsterdam and Venice. I liked each one for many different reasons. Overall... Probably Amsterdam. I loved the people, the senery, the museums everything. I am an Artist so the museums were inspiring. I am a pot smoker, had to quit for probation, so I loved that aspect as well. I love being near the water having been born in a hospital on the beach in Florida. One more problem with living in DFW, TX. It's quite a long drive to the beach. I miss the water. My mother has been to England and loved it. She says she wants to bring me. I am 25. I am not sure if that's the kind of vacation I have in mind. But my 'mum' is wonderful so who knows it could be fun. I am going to try to get a couple hours sleep before I have to get up for work. I work at a frame shop. Framing pictures all day. Not the worst job for an artist if only I could get more hours. Getting a job in art in TX is, I guess, like getting a job making cowboy hats in England. Ask someone in TX who is Douglas Adams and good luck finding a correct responce.
Shoal Prexy (know what it means?) smiley - towel

My legs drifting off into the sunset...

Post 4


The weather here is fairly wet at the moment, with alot of clouds. Its funny - over here we complain about it raining. I often wondered if you complain about it being too hot. And no I don't know any good cowboy hat sellers over here. Other than plastic novelty ones. So what kind of job could the average law abiding Texan get then (obviously not painting)?

Terran smiley - earth

My legs drifting off into the sunset...

Post 5


Oh and I have no idea what Shoal Prexy means.

Terran smiley - earth (know Terran means?)

My legs drifting off into the sunset...

Post 6


Know WHAT Terran means, I mean.

My legs drifting off into the sunset...

Post 7

Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels

What's up? The man, the mith, the general. Did you ever think the army would get so big so fast? I had a question for you. I just became an ACE. And at one point you asked Jeff about then. And I noticed the only person in the army besides Lieutenant British that is not an ACE or Guru or scout is you the General. Do you plan on volenteering? I was suprised how quick I became one after I asked. And with all you have done it should be quick for you as well.

Private Prexysmiley - towel

My legs drifting off into the sunset...

Post 8


I'm still thinking about it, and wondering whether I'll have enough time for it - running the army and everything. I have to be honest I was astonished how many people joined so early. I still need to make sure the page has been firmly set up before I advertise it again I think, though I would welcome any more people you could convince to join.

Terran smiley - earth

P.S Good powers of obseravtion by the way

My legs drifting off into the sunset...

Post 9

Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels

Hey by the by do I get a promotion too? On one of the pages I asked if I could be smiley - towelboy, but that that should give a higher rank than even you. Because we all seem to know the importance of the all mighty towel. There is a link to a great towel page on my personal page. (click on the passing towel) Oh and as far as time goes there is no set limit or requirement on how much time you have to put towards being an ACE.
Private Prexysmiley - towel

My legs drifting off into the sunset...

Post 10


I promote you to Major Prexy for the forth coming war against the League of Thundercats.

General Terran smiley - earth

My legs drifting off into the sunset...

Post 11

Shoal Prexy, ACE, all around nice guy, and keeper of the towels

Yes Sir thank you Sir! smiley - towel Sir? Do you have a assignment for me Sir?
Major Pexy smiley - towel

My legs drifting off into the sunset...

Post 12


ah more tea boys and nowsmiley - towel boys aswell*this will be an easy battle*

owlatronsmiley - bat

My legs drifting off into the sunset...

Post 13


Major Prexy, Invade!

My legs drifting off into the sunset...

Post 14


hmm still seems to be handing out towels!!

owlatronsmiley - bat

My legs drifting off into the sunset...

Post 15

please wait......................


My legs drifting off into the sunset...

Post 16


Ah!! My legs are actually drifting off in to the sunset! What do I do?!!!

Terran smiley - earth

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