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Is it my imagination...

Post 1


...or are the murderers in English television series disproportionately female?

Is it my imagination...

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl And all look like Jaime Murray?

I just noticed something.

If you look in the h2g2 picture library, say because you need a picture for a Post article about guns...smiley - whistle

And you look under 'crime'...

You will find:

A person with a knife.
A collection of poison bottles.
A burglar.
A policeman.
Two guys mooning., no guns...

There's something British about that...smiley - run

Is it my imagination...

Post 3


Indeed. Well observed.

Is it my imagination...

Post 4

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

Two guys mooning........ Is that a crime...... I think not smiley - biggrin

Is it my imagination...

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

We certainly have pictures of guns on h2g2, but the old BBC Eds stopped adding the names of the pictures to those "Picture Library" pages, and the new Eds never took that task back on. Some day, Pastey will have his super-duper Image Library app fully working, when he's finished writing the new "Eddie" h2g2.

Is it my imagination...

Post 6

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Thanks, Gnomon. smiley - smiley I know, and I use other search strategies. (I found some gun pics, so I didn't have to go and load any, you will pardon the expression.)

But I thought it was interesting. smiley - winkeye

Is it my imagination...

Post 7


Hyp, I watch a lot of crime series and I can't say I have ever noticed an imbalance. Now you will have me counting smiley - biggrin

There are certainly more women 'police officers' I think, and we now have a rather good English series similar to my favourite 'Cagney and Lacey'.

Websailor smiley - dragon

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