This is the Message Centre for Hypatia


Post 61


And we don't just look for treating the symptoms, that's one of those silly myths put out their by the alt-med crowd. Science-and-reality-based medicine tries to treat the symptoms if it can, if they can.... but there is a certain reality that if we can't we have to treat the symptoms.


Post 62


Bleep, damn that wine.

Er, tries to treat the cause...

(my big pharma conspirarcy pay-check will be delayed if I do that again).


Post 63


Z, I am 100% convinced of your integrity. smiley - hug I'm also convinced that reputable universities are genuinely trying to find the truth. Big pharma is another kettle of fish altogether. And in the US at least, we have the giant food manufacturers who wield a lot greater influence than they should lurking behind the scene,pulling the strings in Congress and state houses.


Post 64


Abserloutely, and the only way we will see through such nonsense is by taking a scientific approach and debunking the claims made by big food and big pharma.


Post 65


please forgive me for being unable to resist, but if only that was true that a scientific debunking would be sufficient on its own to bring about the demise of such vested interests


Post 66


I can bring about the demise of whatever they are promoting being accepted science....


Post 67

Baron Grim

All the scientific evidence in the world won't convince some people. Just look to the anti-vax promoters for a prime example of how even an overwhelming preponderance of disputing evidence can actually reaffirm a strongly held "belief".

(This week it was discovered that American Airlines was planning to run an interview on their inflight screens and in their inflight magazine with noted anti-vaxxer Meryl Dorey. Fortunately after enough people complained AA relented. )


Post 68


Lovely to hear from you, dear Hyp, lovely peach blossom lady of the springtime smiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 69


It's lovely to be back, oh desert goddess. smiley - biggrin

BG, when people have a lot invested in their beliefs/theories/opinions they find ways to dismiss evidence to the contrary. They can't cope with their beliefs being challenged, let alone proved wrong.


Post 70

Baron Grim

It's not that they can't cope. It's that they actually dig in. It reinforces their beliefs. Understanding this has made it much easier for me to walk away from pointless arguments.


Post 71

Titania (gone for lunch)

Thanks Z for #59, I appreciate it.


Post 72


I was thinking more about religious beliefs when I said they can't cope. But just not wanting to admit they are wrond will cause people to dig in, as you say.


Post 73

Baron Grim

Well, it is religious how some folks believe things on faith regardless of overwhelming evidence. Antivaxxers, truthers, conspiracy theorists, homeopaths, climate denialists, &c.

These new studies showing how corrective evidence isn't just ignored but reinforces their beliefs is very frustrating. Reason is futile.


Post 74


True, once someone's mind is closed on any subject, you're wasting your breath even discussing it with them. And it is indeed frustrating.

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