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House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 1


Since most of the folks on my friends list wouldn't be caught dead watching Fox News, it is likely you've missed this.

This is an act I've railed against since it was first imposed shortly after 9/11. I've written so much about it over the years that I'm not going to repeat myself except to say that this is the proverbial camel's head inside the tent. Judge Napolitano cuts to the chase in this short analysis. If you're concerned about your constitutional safeguards, this is worth you time to watch.

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 2

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - bigeyes OK I really did not expect that on F*x News.
That's so disappointing (for us all) but must be deeply disturbing for you all smiley - sadface
I remember campaigning aganst the Patriot Act being voted in the first time around. I had not thought for a second it could be reinstated so effortlessly. I have reposted this to share, Hypatia. I hope that's alright with you.

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 3


Perfectly alright, Wilma. And thank you. This should get as broad an audience as possible. Perhaps we can shame them into revoking it. Nah. smiley - sigh

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 4

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

well at least you have a constitution............ here (England) we got nuff'in smiley - erm

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 5


A constitution is of very little use if it can be so easily disregarded.

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 6

Wilma Neanderthal

Oh, it'll be shared. Broadly smiley - smiley
The beauty of being an elder aunt in the Middle Eastern tradition means peeps don't or when I post this stuff online - and a lot of our 'kids' are US citizens so they can darned well pull their collective white collar finger out and do something for their country, as far as I'm concerned smiley - cross
OK, I came across all Taliban there smiley - sorry
Ironic this is happening in the US and Israel while in the nations of North Africa the youth are waking up from a long sleep. It's all gone topsy turvy, Hypatia smiley - senior

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 7

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Darn. I was hoping they'd kill that thing. smiley - sadface It's not the first time in history something like this has happened - I believe it was the third President who pulled a stunt like the Alien and Sedition Acts - but one was hoping it would be the last.

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 8

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...


Actually we do... it was just developed over nearly 1,000 years instead of drawn up as a single document. That makes us pretty much unique in the Western world apparently.

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 9

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 10


There you go, RJR. smiley - smiley

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 11

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

Ta! but I like the idea of a written contract/consitution thingy also the amendment the right to bare arms, I like bare arms, espicaly on a women smiley - smiley

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 12


There isn't a consensus of opinion as to the actual meaning of that provision. I seriously doubt if Michele Obama's bare arms were intended. They are fabulous, however.

The reason that it is so difficult and time consuming to amend the constitution is to make darned sure that there is widespread understanding and agreement of whatever issue is being raised. The Patriot Act in effect flips off the framers of the constitution. It is not just inconvenient; it is dangerous and precedent setting. This cannot continue to stand. We have to do someting about it.

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 13

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

count me in!smiley - smiley

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 14

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Assuming that you didn't just declare sedition, Hypatia, smiley - winkeye I recommend we wait a season until the American public, the sane ones who vote, realize what they did when they let the Teapublicans take control of the House. The tail is vigorously wagging the dog, there, and Caligula's Horse is in charge.

In other parts of the country, Arizona wants to cherry-pick which federal laws they obey (state legislation pending) and South Dakota wants to downgrade murder to justifiable homicide if the victim was a doctor who performed abortions.

Worrying about infringements on your constitutional rights is becoming a game of Whack-a-Mole.

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 15


If the American voters were sane we wouldn't have the current crop of legislators in the first place. smiley - sadface The new representative from my district is an actual embarrassement.

If South Dakota pulls that off, then the murder of a doctor or nurse incolved in abortions will have to become a federal offense. Probably already is under the hate crimes provisions. If state law could trump federal law then certain portions of the Patriot Act could not be enforced in Missouri.

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 16

Baron Grim

I think some of you are missing a key point, this isn't NEW. This vote was concerning letting some provisions of the USAPATRIOT act expire as they were supposed to at the end of the month. This is an extension of these provisions.

I've written my representatives about this and other issues, but it's like that proverbial wall here in Texas with John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchinson.

Demand Progress is trying to raise money for a television ad here

But the ad seems way too meek and doesn't make its point well.

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 17


I do realize that it is an extension. I also realize that it isn't the first time in history that our civil liberties have been curtailed. Those two facts don't mean we shouldn't try to get it repealed. Our elected officials need to live up to their oaths of office.

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 18

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Attitudes are so contradictory. I wish those Publicans would make up their minds. Are they for states' rights or agin 'em?

Now South Carolina (NOTE: SOUTH Carolina, the people who periodically attempt to destroy the Union) is threatening to develop its own currency. Help! That state hasn't been a fiduciary powerhouse since the bottom fell out of the rice market back in, say, the 19th Century...

I love this quote from Phil Bailey, about the proposed study: 'Will they be paid in actual dolĀ­lars or gold doubloons?'

smiley - rofl

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 19


They are for state's rights only when is convenient.

House passes extension of Patriot Act

Post 20

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

evening prez! i' have been having a look at the British v American constution thingy and i think yours is much more interesting, the hand writing looks great much better the the typed page, and who wrote yours, the person who actuly took the pen to the paper/parchment I'ed be interested, tried a google but nuff'in came upsmiley - biggrin

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