This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Odds and Ends

Post 1


smiley - star Today is the last work day for me until December 1. Yay!!!! I'm fixing Thanksgiving dinner for some of my family so gave myself tomorrow off to get the pies baked. The bird is thawing and should be ready to brine over night tomorrow evening.

smiley - star I paid $1.629 for gasoline this morning. That's just amazing. I didn't think I'd ever see it under $2 again. It just keeps dropping and dropping. Now if the cost of diesel would go down as well, perhaps we'd see some relief at the grocery store.

smiley - star Speaking of the high cost of food, we are having to revise our “Food for Fines” program. Instead of running it just in December, we will be extending it indefinitely. The food pantries in the area are running dry. This region has been economically depressed for decades, but things are getting worse here just like everyplace else. People can pay library fines with nonperishable food items. We started doing this 12 years ago. But this is the first time we've decided to extend the program beyond the holidays.

smiley - star The design for our Christmas Parade float is shaping up. We're doing a winter scene with a large man in a polar bear mascot costume, an igloo, and penguins. We'll have banners with titles of Christmas books available for checkout at your local library. smiley - biggrin The staff will be walking alongside passing out candy canes. We'll be wearing these nifty polar bear sweatshirts that say “Season's Readings” and have the library's name on the back.

smiley - star On a personal note, I am putting up a Christmas tree this year at home. It will be the first time since my husband died. I think I've gotten past feeling sorry for myself and wondering what's the point of decorating when there isn't anyone there to enjoy it with me. The thing is, I'll enjoy it. I'm doing it for myself. I have come to grips with being single and am starting to enjoy things again that had gone by the wayside. People will be in and out, but mostly I'm looking forward to sitting there all by myself in the peace and quiet and truly enjoying having a tree again. Life goes on.

smiley - star After successfully losing 3 stone, I am putting weight back on. This has to come to a screeching halt. For one thing, I gave away all of my bigger clothes. So I have to at least re-lose enough to fit into my clothes properly. If any of you are dieting and want some encouragement and a place to talk about your efforts/frustrations/whatever, the diet thread is still going. F1732242?thread=4417109 You're welcome to join in. The more the merrier.

smiley - star I have preliminary dates for my birthday trip to England next spring. None of the particulars have been worked out yet. When I get a rudimentary schedule, I'll post it. I'll be leaving here on either April 18 or 19 and returning on May 11. There is a theme of sorts for this trip. Roman Britain. My traveling companion is a real Roman history buff. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, May 6. That is the day of the birthday party. Your President is turning 60. smiley - yikes Nothing has been planned yet, but it is about 80% certain that it will be held in London. A family friendly daytime event of some kind followed by dinner someplace and perhaps one of the London Walks. There will be a general London meet, I believe, on May 9. What I'll do is put up a schedule of dates and places again and invite any of you who can join in to do so. smiley - smiley The north is on tab – Hadrian's Wall and Edinburgh – as well as a day at the seaside finally, Wales perhaps, Paris perhaps, some things I've already done so my companion can see them, gardens of course. Mostly just enjoying my friends.

Odds and Ends

Post 2


Hello Prez smiley - hug

How lovely to have a few days off work. I'm longing for Christmas and a break smiley - puff

How interesting that you're getting a Christmas Tree. I too have decided to have one this year - for the first time since smiley - pirate died. I also feel that I've taken a huge step forward in the last few months and it's time to enjoy myself more. I was looking at decorations last night in the local Fair Trade shop and have put in an order to pick up on Friday smiley - magic

In another bit of synergy, I also need to lose weight smiley - groan Being in a new country and a less-than-perfect apartment has resulted in comfort eating. I'm just starting to get my mind into the right position to control my eating and once I'm in the new house (18 days and counting smiley - laugh) there will be scales to jump onto every week smiley - yikes So I'll join the diet thread for some support and encouragement smiley - ok

The food for fines idea is absolutely brilliant smiley - smiley I might pass it onto our library here...


Odds and Ends

Post 3

Santragenius V

Sounds jolly good smiley - smiley Of course, you have to realise that Denmark once ruled quite some bits of England, so Copenhagen needs to go on some visit-list, right? smiley - tongueout

(do London, Edinburgh and Paris first, that's alright!)

Odds and Ends

Post 4

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Can't wait to see you over for your birthday, looking forward to bringing your two cyber-nephews to the party smiley - magic

Glad you are putting up a tree - I used to do it when I lived alone because it gave me pleasure to come into the living room in the morning and smell the tree before putting the lights on. We can't afford a real tree this year (and frankly I'm not up to needle-management) but hopefully next year...and speaking of which...

Tomorrow is my last day at work until December 1st 2009! smiley - nahnah

Odds and Ends

Post 5

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

"I am putting up a Christmas tree this year at home. It will be the first time since my husband died. I think I've gotten past feeling sorry for myself and wondering what's the point of decorating when there isn't anyone there to enjoy it with me. The thing is, I'll enjoy it. I'm doing it for myself."

smiley - discosmiley - applausesmiley - discosmiley - mistletoesmiley - xmastreesmiley - santa

Bravo! Have a lovely Christmassmiley - hug

Odds and Ends

Post 6


Wonderful - but have you forgotten the day at the seaside in the UK?

Mind you, the way the ageing process has accelerated I probably shall not know whether I am Arthur or Martha. !

However, perhaps I shall "be myself" on at least one of the days.

Very drearuy getting old.

Much affedtion

AlroRan 80 - and ageing very speedily sadly.

Odds and Ends

Post 7


DEar fb,

so nice to hear you so full of plans and so happy.

I hope you have ever such a happy christmas.

Much affedtion


Odds and Ends

Post 8


Thank you Christiane smiley - smiley It'll be a quiet xmas though... me and dozens of boxes to unpack smiley - laugh

Odds and Ends

Post 9

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

morning prezzzz

I've trimmed up for the ol'xmass thingy.............

RJRsmiley - smiley

Odds and Ends

Post 10


Christiane, I am definitely going to visit you and enjoy your lovely seaside town. smiley - biggrin

The Christmas tree will be awesome. For years I had a rather monochrome look, but this time I'm changing course and it will absolutely pop with color. It will have a Mexican folk art theme. I have a lot of those tin ornaments from Oaxaca, so that was the starting point.

Odds and Ends

Post 11


smiley - cool

Odds and Ends

Post 12


It's here...Christmas tree day. I'll let you know how it goes.

Odds and Ends

Post 13

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - cool woohoosmiley - smiley

Odds and Ends

Post 14

Spaceechik, Typomancer

I can just see what the three cats would do with a Christmas tree! smiley - rofl

I one cat that managed to invert the whole tree one year, all by her lonesome...

Odds and Ends

Post 15

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

I had a dog (GOD BLESS'UM) once nearly eletrocuted by fairy lights.......... blacked out the whole house too smiley - laugh

Odds and Ends

Post 16


Ahem. The tree didn't get put up after all. But stay tuned. smiley - silly

Odds and Ends

Post 17

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

ping......................smiley - biggrin morning prezz

Odds and Ends

Post 18


Afternoon, RJR. How's stuff?

Odds and Ends

Post 19

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

ping................. fine and dandy how bist your good self today!

I have been having probs witrh this bb for a while now , please bear with mesmiley - biggrin

Odds and Ends

Post 20


I am well but busy. This afternoon I plan to bake an apple pie and do some general rearranging so I actually have room for the Christmas tree. I would like to get it up tomorrow but it may have to wait until next weekend.

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