This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

May be incommunicado

Post 121


Thank yu so much dear Rev. Nick

It was a very moving service even though there were only seven of us there. I had two dear friends who came to share the Mass with me. Dear K. could not face it. He was very fond of his Uncle and it was just too much for him .

The priest spoke with such compassionate respect about my brother. He radiated respect for him and his life. Ir was very moving.

With many thanks.


May be incommunicado

Post 122


Thank you, Christiane. I'm trying to remain upbeat today, remembering all the good years F and I had together rather than the ending. I'm fortunate in that I have so many happy memories to look back on.

Taking Mother home didn't hurt my mood, either. She can be quite difficult. She is happier in her own home, and I am happier to have her there.

I'm glad your brother's memorial service was such a lovely one. It does make a great difference. I've attended a few that were so impersonal that I left wondering why they even bothered.

I wish you and K many happy memories this Christmas. smiley - rose


May be incommunicado

Post 123

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I am also very pleased that your service went with such love, respect and dignity, Christiane. To you both, Hyp included I mean, ... I haven't lost anyon e particularly near and dear since 1973, and yet when I think of him, it brings such pleasant memories. And fortunately for me, the passage of time has softened how much it hurt to see him in such distress his last while.

To you both, the warmest wishes for a soft and gentle time of good thoughts and memories.

May be incommunicado

Post 124

LL Waz

smiley - rose for your brother, Christiane, and another for F, Hyp.

Glad you have your home back, Hyp.

May be incommunicado

Post 125


Thanks, Waz, on both counts. smiley - hug

Annie smiley - dog is even glad to have her Gram leave. It upset her routine.

May be incommunicado

Post 126


Today is Frenchbean's 9th wedding anniversary which is a date to celebrate the happy times she had with smiley - pirate (she posted this date a year ago to let her h2g2 friends know the significance of the date to her)

Thinking of Hyp and Frenchbean smiley - hug

May be incommunicado

Post 127


Thanks Pimms. Just because our loved ones are no longer here doesn't mean the anniversaries, birthdays, etc. cease to exist. They are such bittersweet days.

Happy anniversary, Fb. A toast to smiley - pirate. May the memories of your time together always remain and bring you warmth and satisfaction. smiley - bubbly

May be incommunicado

Post 128


* also thinking of Hyp and frenchbean
smiley - rose

May be incommunicado

Post 129


Thank you folks smiley - hug

I'm a bit flat, cos nobody in the world seems to have remembered except me and Pimms. So he gets special smiley - hugs from me.

May be incommunicado

Post 130

Wilma Neanderthal

Here's one to replenish you, Fb smiley - hug

... and Hyp? May I offer you this one? smiley - hug

May be incommunicado

Post 131


Ah Wilma... that's better smiley - smiley Thank you.

May be incommunicado

Post 132


Fb, I got a lovely surprise on my wedding anniversary this year. A friend bought me roses - said it was because F wasn't here to do it anymore. It really caught me off guard. It was such a sweet thing to do.

May be incommunicado

Post 133


Isn't that lovely? People do the most unexpectedly kind things from time to time smiley - smiley

May be incommunicado

Post 134


Dear Hypatia,

Thank you so much for your good wishes and thoughtful posting.

Nice that your friends remember. My darling Dick died on the 3rd Febuary 1986 after we had been together eighteen wonderful years.

It is as if it was yesterday. I still miss him so much but nowadays find that we manage to share things very much more. It is quite extraordinary.!

I have informed him. very sternly(!!) that I am NOT coming to join him just yet!. That I still have a lot to do.!!

All good wishes to you for a happy Christmas and good things for the New Year.


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