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Raindrops on roses...

Post 21



Raindrops on roses...

Post 22


Reading threads like this,it restores my faith in human nature,and makes me feel good.Thankyou Hyp.

Raindrops on roses...

Post 23

Titania (gone for lunch)

Going swimming on a rainy day, where the rain makes the water feel warm and silky against your body.

The scent of resin in a sun-warmed pine forest.

The scent of freshly baked bread - or cinnamon buns.

A very bright and clear rainbow - or even double rainbows.

The murmurs of a small stream.

A sunny but chilly autumn's day, with colourful leaves rustling under your feet and the smell of wet mud in the air.

Digging your toes down into very fine and warm sand on a beach.

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