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Something else to do

Post 1

Lucrecia (Knight of an Unusual Amount of Healing Items, Movie Buff Extraordinaire - A809958)

Hey, c. Lucrecia here.

If you're looking for some stuff to write, check out the Collaborative writing workshop. My current baby is the Distinctive Theme songs posting. Feel free to put in your 2 cents on the end of the post if you're interested or browse through the other collaborative posts and see what grabs you.


Something else to do

Post 2

Researcher 200853

sure how would i get there as i am new here and a virgin to it all

Something else to do

Post 3

Researcher 200853

oh well time to go now speak soon bye

Something else to do

Post 4


Hey c

you can click on the Contribute icon (it's on top if your background is white and to the left if your background is blue).

There's loads of helpful tidbits in there. The writing workshop, the colaborative writing workshop, etc.

Another good way to contribute is by reading other people's works and trying to help them. Peer Review and the Writing workshop do that.
You can see anything that has been submitted for review by clicking the banner "ad" on top of the page. That will take you to Peer Review.

Also, reading the newer front pages will give you a greta idea of the kind of stuff that shows up around here.

Anyway, welcome to h2g2. Drop by Lucrecia's homepage or mine if you're still bored. I'm sure we can find SOMETHING fun for you!


ps. you can get to our homepages by clicking on our names.
Scroll over our name from the top of the message

Something else to do

Post 5

geena the party girl(owlatrons thundercat)

hi c

Something else to do

Post 6

Researcher 200853

hey geena nice to hear from you wot are u up 2

Something else to do

Post 7

Researcher 200853

geena im sorry but i can't stop and talk, time for me to go home to bed been on nights look for you tonitesmiley - smileysmiley - devil

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