This is the Message Centre for Loup Dargent

Will i ever be able to finish this entry?!...

Post 141

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

jab you should know by now loups full of trickssmiley - laugh


Will i ever be able to finish this entry?!...

Post 142

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Full of somthing smiley - whistle

smiley - erm==>smiley - alesmiley - laugh

Will i ever be able to finish this entry?!...

Post 143

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

more like===>smiley - bubblysmiley - laugh


Will i ever be able to finish this entry?!...

Post 144

Reality Manipulator

Yes Romani and JAB vintage 1955 dom peron champagne smiley - bubbly


Will i ever be able to finish this entry?!...

Post 145

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

smiley - magic


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