This is the Message Centre for Cascade2021

Welcome Cascade2021

Post 1

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Welcome to h2g2, I hope you're having a pleasant time?

Now, I'm Em, I'm an ACE (Assistant Community Editor) and an Angel (Patron Saint of Lucky Charms) and it's part of my duty to welcome you to the neighbourhood

Now you can reach me via U129266 (this will also tell you about me)

but instead of telling you a bunch of URL's and things here and now and overwhelming you, I'll give you my welcome page which should have some useful links A562303.

I hope that helps and I'll be here whenever you need help with something and the secret to h2g2 is just to have fun There's always someone interesting to talk to.


[h2g2 researchers needed for Top 10 CD's @ A768567.]

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