A Conversation for The Ultimate Cocktail List

The perfect summer drink

Post 1

Skunk Baxter Allstars

To my mind, has to be Vodka, Lime and Soda.


Crisp, refreshing citrus tang!
The soda water settles your stomach.
You can't taste the alcohol. (refer to "Issues" below)

This drink has a three-tiered effect: (1) You feel superb until you get up to mix your fifth, whereupon (2) you realise that you have lost control of your legs. The extra physical effort involved in flailing wildy to reach the fridge causes increased blood flow, sending more alcohol to the brain and (3) transforming you from a suave, debonair gentleman-about-town into a witless, drooling idiot.

Mixing instructions:

Fill a tall glass with cracked ice-cubes. Pour in two measures of chilled vodka (preferably Smirnoff Blue or Black label). Pour in one measure of Rose's lime cordial. Top off with Soda water. Stir to mix. Drink through a straw.

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The perfect summer drink

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