A Conversation for UCAS Form - The Personal Statement

Peer Review: A796485 - UCAS Form - The Personal Statement

Post 1


Entry: UCAS Form - The Personal Statement - A796485
Author: fe_mailnik - U170110

The UCAS form is evil - this may help with that dredded personal statement

A796485 - UCAS Form - The Personal Statement

Post 2

The GR Manoeuvre --- a posting a day keeps the reaper away

Hi there!

I am afraid that there is already an Entry in the Edited Guide about the UCAS Form and the personal statement: A301050, and also an Entry on applying to university: A626762, and this Entry does not add anything to either of these Entries.

Have you read the Writing-Guidelines? If you chose a topic which has not been touched as of yet by anyone else and also conforms to the Writing Guidelines I'm sure that it will be a good Entry for the Edited Guide.

In the meantime, could you please remove this Entry from Peer Review by going to the main PeerReview page and clicking the 'Remove' link next to your Entry?

Caper Plipsmiley - borgsmiley - tennisball

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Peer Review: A796485 - UCAS Form - The Personal Statement

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