A Conversation for Foodieboard Meet Up

Brum meet

Post 1241

Devonian Fossil

Captain's in Enfield, just above North London.

Captain, if you think Bristol's full of nutters you should come and visit the town where I work, now that is Care in the Community in action smiley - laugh

smiley - somersault

Brum meet

Post 1242

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Dev, Enfield is in north london. smiley - winkeye

Brum meet

Post 1243


Bristol sounds good to me as Aer Lingus fly in there smiley - smiley

Enfields is actually on the Galway to Dublin road

Princess, Capn and Sequenci smiley - flansmiley - flansmiley - flan

Sequenci though seriously really like the hotel and would reccomend it to anyone.

smiley - dragon

Brum meet

Post 1244


Afternoon All! Hope you all had a fab time smiley - sadfacesmiley - wah

Brum meet

Post 1245


Who has the shoes?

Brum meet

Post 1246

Devonian Fossil

Captain, Enfield is not "in" North London at all, don't kid a kidder. That's my old stomping ground, among others. Those were the days before I got stuck in the Village of the Damned Trolls smiley - cheers

Brum meet

Post 1247


Who is dobywoby?
Did I miss some on? It was a bit difficult to string things together ... at the end. But I thought I was ok at the beginning
Bit odd though calling people by two different names.

Who has got the shoes?

Brum meet

Post 1248

Devonian Fossil

dobywoby is Holly's sister, she was at the meet on Saturday I believe.

Brum meet

Post 1249


dobywoby is my sister Donna who was with us smiley - rofl

Don't mention the shoes though smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

Brum meet

Post 1250


Glad the hotel was cool PSD! smiley - smiley

Brum meet

Post 1251


I'm def up for a meet anywhere in the UK- I'm easy!

Trains, planes, automobiles, all the same to me!

I got your text Hol, no worries smiley - hug
So glad you had fun smiley - smiley

Brum meet

Post 1252


Well if a meet is a drive I don't mind carting any local peeps about should they require a lift anywhere.

Brum meet

Post 1253


Thank goodness! I know i keep on taking my glasses on and off but how could you miss them. Whoops her!
I know that Booti is alive & kicking
anyone heard from GML?

& if the 3 of you are going out on friday in Dublin give us feed back. e.g that thing on the right hand side of yr body (liver) should not feel like a brick.

good time. thanks to everyone

Brum meet

Post 1254


smiley - thepost

Brum meet

Post 1255


smiley - ghost

Brum meet

Post 1256



smiley - flan

smiley - lurk

smiley - dragon

Most people must still be smiley - zzzsmiley - rofl

Brum meet

Post 1257


smiley - boing

WAKEY WAKEY!!!!! smiley - coffee anyone?

Brum meet

Post 1258



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