A Conversation for Foodieboard Meet Up

Brum meet

Post 1181


smiley - boing

Brum meet

Post 1182


smiley - boingsmiley - hangover

Brum meet

Post 1183


smiley - holly it may be better to stay off the trampoline if ye have a hangover girl. <alkaseltzer.

smiley - dragon

Brum meet

Post 1184


smiley - boing

Brum meet

Post 1185

Devonian Fossil

MORNING! smiley - somersault

Brum meet

Post 1186


smiley - boing

smiley - boing

smiley - boing

WAKEY WAKEY everyone, stop smiley - zzz Me and Carol are up so everyone else should be smiley - evilgrin

Brum meet

Post 1187


Morning Dev smiley - hug

How are the dwarves smiley - rofl they didn't taste very nice did they smiley - whistle

Brum meet

Post 1188

Devonian Fossil


I wondered why those burgers were so woolly smiley - sadface

Brum meet

Post 1189


Morning smiley - boing

How is everyone today???

smiley - dragon

Brum meet

Post 1190


smiley - sorry Dev, I promise to leave them alone this Friday. Are you coming to Brum hun smiley - flyhi

Brum meet

Post 1191


Morning smiley - dragonsmiley - hug

Did you get the other msg's?

Brum meet

Post 1192


Its a bit cool and dull here today!

Brum meet

Post 1193


Morningsmiley - biggrin

Holly, I was thinking....would you and sis like to come to mine a little early? have a coffee or somthing, I'd love to show you the new housesmiley - biggrin GRAND DESIGNSsmiley - smiley

Brum meet

Post 1194


Purp that sounds fantastic hun smiley - hug if we get there for about 8.30 - 9.00am is that ok or a bit early for you?

Can't wait to meet you and see the house smiley - biggrin

Brum meet

Post 1195


Can we say 10ish Holly? we will still get to Brum for lunch, I live only 2 round abouts from the Motorwaysmiley - biggrin

Brum meet

Post 1196


10.00am is fine hun smiley - hug Will text you to sort it out properly. We have a sat nav so shouldn't have any problem finding you.

Big smiley - hug to your Mum from us smiley - rose

Brum meet

Post 1197


smiley - boingsmiley - somersault
Morning campers!

Brum meet

Post 1198


Morning Dee how are you today?

smiley - dragon

Brum meet

Post 1199


Fine tickedy Boo and dandy ta for asking!
Had a fantastic nights sleep and have just found out OH not coming home til BH Monday smiley - ok MORE sleep! smiley - rofl

Brum meet

Post 1200


Purps posted a link to this place that looks good for dinner Saturday night.


I emailed them asking about booking for Saturday and maybe if there are no real objections we should go ahead and book.

smiley - dragon

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