This is the Message Centre for Fish's Freak

Danielle has a tummyache.

Post 81

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

Ooh... ummmm.... Daria! I loved that show... I wonder if it's still on. *ponders* She was so cool.

If you were a song, what song would you be?

Danielle has a tummyache.

Post 82

Fish's Freak

Probably daydream believer by the monkees, or el scorcho by weezer.

What song would you be?

Danielle has a tummyache.

Post 83

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

Hmmm.... perhaps Everything You Know Is Wrong by Weird Al.... although if I thought about the question for more than two seconds then I would probably have a different answer.

If you could turn anyone into a sanwich and eat them, who would it be?

Danielle has a tummyache.

Post 84

Fish's Freak

Hmm... If I wanted to hurt them... probably... no, I don't hate anyone. But if it was cos they were tasty... then Ponder Stibbons.

If you could steal something from a musician, who would it be and what would you steal?

Danielle has a tummyache.

Post 85

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

I'd steal Jonathan Davis's microphone stand.

If you could make another planet in our solar system livable, which one would it be?

Danielle has a tummyache.

Post 86

Fish's Freak


What's your favourite extinct animal?

Danielle has a tummyache.

Post 87

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

*blinks at your answer* Ok....

Ummm... wooly mammoth?

Danielle has a tummyache.

Post 88

Fish's Freak

smiley - ok Good choice.

Danielle has a tummyache.

Post 89

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

If you were a finger, thumb or toe, which one would you be?

Danielle has a tummyache.

Post 90

Fish's Freak

I'd be the end joint of a little finger.

Danielle has a tummyache.

Post 91

Fish's Freak

Ooops, forgot a question.

What kind of animal is your soul-animal?

Danielle has a tummyache.

Post 92

manson_rocks - When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

Ummm.... soul-animal? ... *confused look*

Danielle has a tummyache.

Post 93

Fish's Freak

smiley - smiley

Hey there.

Post 94


aup FF

Guess who this is........... i'll give ya a clue i go to school with ya smiley - biggrin

Say Hi to Fish's Freak!

Post 95

Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge

hi there from kaptin kipper, could not resist as we share some simular things, well name and i am also pagan but well thats about it, i run a circus and vehicle websites and oh yes I have a fish called freddie, a 4 year old goldfish, getting on now but still shifting his stones around, anyhow take care,
kaptin kipper

Say Hi to Fish's Freak!

Post 96

Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge

oopps somehow managed to post this here instead of fish's guestbook, sorry, i am blushing now, anyhow hello

Say Hi to Fish's Freak!

Post 97

Fish's Freak

This is the guest book, yeah baby. smiley - ok

Hi Kaptain Kipper, how you doing? smiley - biggrin

Say Hi to Fish's Freak!

Post 98

Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge

I am doing swimingly thankyou, and you?smiley - hsif
I noticed it was the guest book but went a bit redsmiley - blush
Its been two long years since I visited h2g2 in another form though.

Kippers keep karpinsmiley - fish

Say Hi to Fish's Freak!

Post 99

Fish's Freak

How are you finding hootoo since your return?

Say Hi to Fish's Freak!

Post 100

benjahv: windswept and interesting

Hey FF, you're a real cool girl, fish i guess? um well dont know what to say, i showed willing though i accept the dare im pushing the

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