This is the Message Centre for Fish's Freak

hi fishie

Post 441

Fish's Freak

Howdy! smiley - biggrin *waves* How be you?

Ok, i'll admit it, you were right

Post 442

alexofthatilk - The warrior, The scientist, The psycopath, The criminal, The person

yes so one person can change the world, but they still need to have cercumstances in their favor, your petition would have stonewalled if no one was interested, or if you hadn't a computer, then you would not have been able to post. this is not to say i do not think the petition wass a good idea, only that it does not prove the argument.

Ok, i'll admit it, you were right

Post 443

Fish's Freak

smiley - tongueout

If people hadn't been supportive, I would've chipped away till I convinced them. If my computer had cut out on me, I would've used a public access one or borrowed yours. smiley - tongueoutsmiley - biggrin

Besides, I don't think this argument is one that can be proved, because even if a situation starts out with circumstances that aren't conducive to the success of the particular activity, they will change to become so - either that, or the activity fails. The activity will either succeed or fail, and either way, it won't prove the argument, either from your point of view or mine. smiley - smiley

Ok, i'll admit it, you were right

Post 444

alexofthatilk - The warrior, The scientist, The psycopath, The criminal, The person

kk, call it quits?

Ok, i'll admit it, you were right

Post 445

Fish's Freak

Definitely. smiley - smiley

What did you think of the dress last night, incidentally?

Ok, i'll admit it, you were right

Post 446

alexofthatilk - The warrior, The scientist, The psycopath, The criminal, The person

nice, v nice.

Ok, i'll admit it, you were right

Post 447

Fish's Freak

Thank you. smiley - smiley

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