This is the Message Centre for Reality Manipulator
Bingo callers alternative number rhymes
Reality Manipulator Started conversation 5 Weeks Ago
1. Nun on the Run
2. Sue and Hugh
3. Croquet at four thirty.
4. Close the door.
5. Clive jives when making a nosedive.
6. Drop sticks into the river Styx.
7. Kevin has moved to Devon.
8. Meet up at the gate.
9. Dine by the River Tyne.
10. Ken has built his own den.
11. Highway to Heaven.
12. Put up the kitchen shelf.
13. Wolverine is the fighting machine.
14. Have chow mein at the canteen.
15. Dauphine drinks poteen.
16. Sabine and Pauline make the best poutine.
17. Jean Grey is the dancing queen.
18. Be keen to be green.
19. Baleen whales have good hygiene.
20. Afternoon tea by the sea.
21. Don and Ron are on the lawn.
22. Have vindaloo in a canoe in Peru.
23. Be careful when on a tree shopping spree.
24. Sit down on the floor.
25. Eating chives will help you to thrive.
26. Spring chicks never go to the flicks.
27. Evan bakes bread without using leaven.
28. Kate can ice skate around a crate.
29. Hotdogs in brine taste fine when drunk with wine.
30. Burty and Gerty wail like a banshee.
Bingo callers alternative number rhymes
Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and Posted 5 Weeks Ago
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Bingo callers alternative number rhymes
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