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British Isles and Ireland Viral Kindness Group

Post 1

Reality Manipulator

I have started a British Isles and Ireland Viral Kindness Group on Facebook. I have got a few members but I am the only one regularly posting. I have posted amusing, uplifting and relaxation videos and posts but still have not attracted much interest. If anyone wants to join my group, I will gladly accept them. There is a quite a number of videos that help with visualisation and relaxation.smiley - zensmiley - titsmiley - rosesmiley - petuniassmiley - peacesignsmiley - rainbowsmiley - bluebutterflysmiley - bunnysmiley - chicksmiley - dogsmiley - catsmiley - orangebutterflysmiley - peacedove

British Isles and Ireland Viral Kindness Group

Post 2

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

What I need most is a hanging pot of pansies hanging from my porch railing.

British Isles and Ireland Viral Kindness Group

Post 3

Reality Manipulator

Paulh, I might be able to find a video of a hanging pot of pansies.smiley - smiley

British Isles and Ireland Viral Kindness Group

Post 4

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

That wold be nice.

I hate Winter, largely because when I look out of my front door in the morning, nothing is growing. Hanging pots of flowers tell me that things are finally all right with the world. The brightness and lovely aroma of flowers are near enough to see and smell.

British Isles and Ireland Viral Kindness Group

Post 5

Reality Manipulator

I have posted the pansies video on my Viral Kindness Group. Even though, there was hardly any frost and no snow, my back garden has only started to begin to come back to life in the past four weeks. It has been a very slow start to spring.

British Isles and Ireland Viral Kindness Group

Post 6

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I bought two hanging baskets of pansies yesterday. They're hanging on my porch railing now. One is orange, the other medium-purple. it's wonderful to see them smiley - flyhi

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