This is the Message Centre for ..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150


Post 1


hello gorgeous...... fab home page darling.... how do you get those symbols on?.....and good job i got a mention lmao.. huge hugs sweetheart... later ggbhz xxxxxxxxx


Post 2


allrite gaz ya ugly biortsmiley - biggrin

cool page innitsmiley - martiansmile

so when you gonna sort your own page out instead of making ours look untidysmiley - ok

lmfaosmiley - aliensmile


Post 3

..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150

Hiya smiley - cool - type into the h2g2 search box smileys - gives you a list of all the symbols - click on the first one on the list smiley - smiley

Glad you liked the page smiley - devil

Have fun sweetie smiley - smooch


Post 4


oi... i got me own page...smiley - cheers
still feelin my way around.. lookin for other new users then we can smiley - schooloffish together....
catch ya later bro smiley - zen

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