A Conversation for The Phantom Menace

The Books

Post 1

Mish Prefect

Has anyone read any of the Star Wars books.....
Or am I the only person sad enough to own any of them?

The Books

Post 2

Researcher 40544

Where can you buy the books? Which ones or out? E-mail me at or reply please...

The Books

Post 3

Mish Prefect

Yeah, well, obviously as I live in Bristol, England, then I buy them from Waterstones.
I think they have some in every one but I'm not sure.
The best ones are:
o The Jedi Academy Trilogy - by Kevin J. Anderson
o The Han Solo Trilogy - By A.C Crispin
! And may the force be with you.....

The Books

Post 4


And the more obvious answer, if you are buying online, is to try Amazon.com. They will definitely have everything.

But I have been told on good faith (since I'm desperate for a Star Wars fix until the next Episode) the Timothy Zahn books are really the only ones you should mess with. I've read part of "Heir to the Empire", and so far was excellent- it picked up right where Episode VI left off (almost), and the characters stayed static (Zahn didn't try to superimpose his ideas about how the characters should act...they stem superfluously from the screen to the manuscript).

You should be able to find all three of Zahn's series in any major book chain.


The Books

Post 5

Researcher 38045

How about the original(episodes 4->6) books..? I've read them all, and they are excellent!
The Timothy Zahn(sp?) books (I've heard) seem abit too dark for Lucas's dream tale.
I am somewhat of a self-acclaimed SW fanatic, having closely studied the trilogy, and most
of the works tied into it. Sad isn't it..?

The Books

Post 6

Mish Prefect

Am reading Zahn at the moment, so I can't comment.
On book 2 so far, it's very hoopy indeed.
I like Mara Jade.

The Books

Post 7


Tangent:- Timothy Zahn's Conquerors' trilogy is froody too. Loads'a' 'dark light' and stuff.

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