A Conversation for The Phantom Menace

Star Wars is froody!

Post 1

Mish Prefect

Yeah, so the title sound a bit...er.....bad!
But this is.....
STAR WARS!!!!!!!!!! smiley - smiley and, therefore, it is going to be _amazing_!
Not as amazing as Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi..and the other one, which I can't remember it's name....Zark! I'm supposed to be a fan......
But it can't be as bad as every single critic is making it out ot be...can it?
Han Solo RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Star Wars!

Post 2


Mr. Lucas is amazing. This film will be amazing. The next two will be amazing. And that's the way I believe it will be. I love Star Wars, I tried to do my hair like Leia's many times, tried to memorize the lines, move salt shakers with the power of the Force, and watched and cherished the trilogy that I've grown up with many times.

SW:TPM will be good if we keep our hopes up, but not impossible.

Tomorrow afternoon I will experience it. I can't wait.

Star Wars!

Post 3

Mish Prefect

So....How was it?

Don't be put-off!

Post 4


It was a good movie. I enjoyed the story and the characters independent of the immersive visual environment. I expected to be disappointed by bad acting and a plot constructed as an excuse for effects. That was not the case. I really enjoyed it and am likely to see it again in the theater. There are so many good movies playing and coming up, though. I highly recommend "Life is Beautiful".

how can you say it was good???

Post 5


ok, i'm not going to spoil anyting here, but the main problems that i had with the movie are as follows.

1. there was basically no substantial story line to the movie other than "How everyone meets each other".
2. hardly any references to the force which was so essential to the trilogy.
3. to much comedy. multiply every time you laughed during the entire trilogy, and multiply it times 10 and you'd have as much as in TPM
4. and the most disturbing thing about the movie is that there was way way way to many special effects. and more than just explosions too. every character except yoda and the other jedi masters was computer generated. that was nothing like the trilogy before the remasterd editions.

anyone caring to argue these points, i'd really like to hear from you.


Post 6


*sniff, hide* Well... I just liked it... sure, I miss puppets, but I thought it was beautiful, and even though it may have been overdone with the stupid humor, I had fun. I love Jedi, and Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan vs. Darth Maul was my favorite part. I just thought it was cool.

Star Wars is froody!

Post 7

Researcher 40271

greetings fellow reporters.

I unfortunatly work in a movie theather. so already since
opening day i have seen "phantom menace" 11 times amd i am sorry to report
that it is lacking something... i am a fan of star wars and the whole trilogy
this movie wasnt bad just missing something. also it was a little more child-ish
than i like to admit.
the on going joke that we have at our cinema is "I wonder when the 30 year old
virgin, dressed like chewbacha will come through the door."

please dont yell at me for not liking it but dont forget that the poor souls like me who work in
your local cinema have to put up with the damn thing for apx. 8 to 12 weeks
(yes lucas wants it in the theathers that long) so imagine what it was like for me when titanic came out!!!
estimated i saw that damn thing sink(giggling all the time) 389 times(and not of my own free will i might add).

sorry for the rant, go see the thing just remember to pick up your damn mess when you leave!!

Star Wars is froody!

Post 8

Mish Prefect

Wow! That's the most replies I've ever got in a forum before!
I am livin' in the UK and I _really_ wanna see the movie!
I am keeping both of my options and opinions open, cuz I _Luv_ Sar Wars, and, well, ''Hey, it's me!''
No, seriously, so it was okay if you're obsessed, but not if you're going for a really enthralling storyline or anything?
Nope. Didn't stop me from wanting to go see it!
Mish smiley - smiley

how can you say it was good???

Post 9


I'm afraid I must agree. One of Lucas's comments regarding the "Special Edition" was that the technology that existed at the making of 4 -> 6 was such that there were things he wanted to do but just couldn't.

I'm beginning to think that this was a good thing. There was just SO MUCH pointless CGI that the characters were dwarfed.

Frankly I just didn't care about them and this was not just jadedness and being "too old" now as has been suggested elsewhere. When I watched 4 -> 6 Special Editions last year I was emotionally involved differently from as a child the first time (e.g. Luke's whining irritated me beyond measure, when I thought he was "cool" the first time round).

I'm sorry, but I was willing to accept "cheesy", I was hoping for "stunning" and I was secretly dreading "appalling" but the one thing that I didn't expect was mediocracy.

Star Wars is froody!

Post 10

Researcher 40271

i highly suggest seeing star wars, note it isnt that great. in other words it
wont leave you wondering what will happen next(heck we already know anakin will
become darth vader) but it is a good looking movie, and isnt that bad

i didnt realize it hasnt been released in brittan yet?!?!?!
but i wish you luck in seeing it and i hope you dont have to wade
through a crowd of grown men having (toy)lightsaber fights in any parking lot likt i did just to go to work.

take care and may the force be with you.

Star Wars is froody!

Post 11

Mish Prefect

Yeah, I hope not too.

how can you say it was good??? (spoilers ho!)

Post 12

Darth Surly, Dark Lord of Biting Wit and similar things...

I shall address and reply your concerns thusly:

you said
>1. there was basically no substantial story line to the movie other than "How
>everyone meets each other".

Oh, but there was so much more, so much more dear sir, look again at the circumstances
which brought (almost) everyone together, and the shadowy hand that moved them from the
background. The very namesake of this movie.

>2. hardly any references to the force which was so essential to the trilogy.

There were references to the force, but you must understand, this is an era before
the force had been marginalized into what many in the original trilogy considered
to be nothing more than a hokey religion. The Force was commonplace in this film,
everywhere. Do you see people in today going on and on about running water?

>3. to much comedy. multiply every time you laughed during the entire trilogy, and
>multiply it times 10 and you'd have as much as in TPM

Comedy added a counterpoint to the tragedy of the events taking place, we all know
this is all going to end badly, the weight of the bad decisions made by the characters
and institutions in this film (Qui-gon, the Queen, and even the Old republic and the Jedi
Council) need some sort of balance.

>4. and the most disturbing thing about the movie is that there was way way way to
>many special effects. and more than just explosions too. every character except
>yoda and the other jedi masters was computer generated. that was nothing like the
>trilogy before the remasterd editions.

The special effects were spectacular, characters like the pod racer Sebulba and the junk
dealer Watto (two of the best additions to the SW universe IMO would have been impossible
without them.

For these reasons and many more, I liked this movie a great deal.

-Surlyboi, Dark Lord of somethingorother...
"I find your lack of pants disturbing..."

how can you say it was good??? (spoilers ho!)

Post 13


ok, my rebutal....

point one. ok, i'm not saying that your point was wrong, but over the corse of the whole movie, there isn't one main goal of the movie. two many things are happening at once, and at the end, there was no real feeling of closer. even thogh the gungans won, you didn't get as excited as you did when luke blew up the death star.

point two. i can except that as an answer, but in another posting by some one else in another grouping, they said that if a person 20 years from now sat down to watch all the movies in chronological order, they would have no idea what the force is until "a new hope". it shouldn't be that way.

point three. ok, but in "a new hope", there was no comedy to offset the sadness of seeing obi-wan killed. or when luke returns to find his aunt and unlce killed, or when leia reveals the hidden base location, and they destroy alderraan. so they comedy was pointless.

and point four. what would are world be like if in the original movies, jaba, boba, chewie, everyone in the cantena(sp?) scene, and everyone at else in the movies had been computer generated? or how about the ships? the star destroyers and mellinium falcon wouldn't look as realistic if they were drawn and not modles.

Star Wars is froody!

Post 14

Researcher 40271

ok i didnt really like the movie but please i think everyone agrees with
me on this(people who like it and not)
jar-jar should have died as soon as he said "ex-squeeze me"
script should have been this
jar-jar " i speak"
qui-gon "The ability to speak does not make you intelligent"
(other stuff i dont remember)
Jar-Jar "ex-squeeze me."
or durring the escape from naboo
Jar-jar "how rude."
now that would have made the movie so much more enjoyable to me.

any comments?

Jar Jar's Purpose

Post 15


(which is very different from Jar Jar's porpoise, which I assume is on the editing room floor)
Jar Jar was not put in for your enjoyment. It was put in to entertain all the little kids whose parents will drag them to this movie, because they saw the first (fourth) one when they were that age. Kids who won't understand the force, or the foreshadowing, or will freak at the fish, flailing and fidgiting frightfully. It's for fun, folks.
(Now that use of the dialogue "Yipee!" is quite another offense...)

Jar Jar's Purpose

Post 16


I actually liked Jar-Jar Binks- I thought he was funny. But then you might argue that I am just a kid who needs entertaining (I was born the year Return of the Jedi came out). But no, I understand the force, I paid close attention to all the foreshadowing, and before (and now) I saw the movie I was totally obsessed and caught up in the hype. I thought it was unfair because I didn't get to see it til June 5, and I know people --- who aren't obsessed and probably don't know anything and probably don't care --- who saw it 3 days after it opened. I may be bombarded with comments about how dumb Jar-Jar is, but I liked him!

Jar Jar's other Purposes (SPOILER)

Post 17


Without Jar Jar, Obi Wan and Qui Gon wouldn't have been able to get to Naboo through the core, Jar Jar took them to the Otoh Gungan and they got the Bongo ship.
Also Jar Jar shows them where the Gungans go when they're in trouble. Then the Queen begs then to help fight for Naboo and they do. Good ol' Jar Jar Binks! smiley - smiley

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