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Crazy Man Posted Jun 24, 2004
I didn't actually have the (dis)pleasure in watching it.Costs $20 to watch it PPV round here...
Crazy Man Posted Jun 24, 2004
I didn't actually have the (dis)pleasure in watching it.Costs $20 to watch it PPV round here...
I did listen live though....on good ol' 95.8 CapitalFM
Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing. Posted Jun 24, 2004
You missed a cracker....
It was the match of the tournament so far made better only by england loosing
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parrferris Posted Jun 26, 2004
A report on ITV Nightly News last night actually put the ref's website address up on screen and suggested that viewers might like to contact him with their views!
I think one or two of this morning's tabloids may have picked this up.
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