This is the Message Centre for peachy-keen jellybean!

Hi mitzi....

Post 1


hi mitzi dont worry about your page for now you can allways up date it later, anyway welcome to H2G2, my name is manda (well its not realy but thats another story) I am from Wolverhampton in the UK, I am an "ACE",(Assistant Community Editors) ,I am here to welcome you to H2G2. and to show you around, there is always something going on here to please every one if you know were to find it,if you click on this number >> U193090 ,it will take you to my page were I have put some links that I think you might find interesting,or you can click on this number >> A725500 ,were Rocket Man has made a page for new Researcher's to look at, if you need any more help or just want to talk then do not hesitate to ask, you can leave me a message on my page (by clicking on the "DISCUSS THIS ENTRY" button,or by clicking on the "REPLY" button at the bottom of this page,and I will get back to you,have some smiley - cake and a cup of smiley - tea to keep you going.
speak to you later

mandasmiley - oksmiley - cheers

Hi mitzi....

Post 2

peachy-keen jellybean!

hey manda!
I'm not actually a *new* researcher in the conventional sense.... I mean, this identity is new, but I have used h2g2 before, in fact I used to be an ACE like your good self. But thank you for the welcome anyway, it's nice to see the place hasn't changed:D
In case you were wondering, mitzi isn't my real name either! It's merely a temporary measure until I get round to thinking of something good (quite like my researcher page at the moment!)

Hi mitzi....

Post 3


smiley - ok welcome back then,and I hope you enjoy youself "again", smiley - laugh

manda smiley - cheers

Hi mitzi....

Post 4

peachy-keen jellybean!

I'm sure I will, I won't be on as often as I would like though, slight lack of home computer at the moment! it broke 3 months ago and as of yet it hasn't been fixed or replaced. I'll cope!

Hi mitzi....

Post 5


sorry to hear that,I know what is like with a brock PC,I am having a little trouble with my fax on my PC,but in this age of throw away I dont want to take it in a shop untill I realy realy have to as the first thing they will say is "sorry can not be fixed,we have this nice little number over here"smiley - silly


Hi mitzi....

Post 6

peachy-keen jellybean!

yeah, that's why mine's been given to the tech guy at my dad's work place....smiley - smiley

Hi mitzi....

Post 7


at least you will know were he is, had a freind update my memory on my PC about two weeks ago, now my FAX wont work and I have not seen him since,I would fefresh my PC back to its defalt setting but then I will lose all my settings and my Favorites, just have to wait and tell people to SHOUT VERY LOUD smiley - sillysmiley - weird


Hi mitzi....

Post 8

peachy-keen jellybean!

hahaha, sorry shouldn't laugh, i's not a good situation to be in is it?

ahhh at least one temporary thing has been remedied.... my name! now I shall get on with sorting out my page!

maybe not. I'll do it later!

Hi mitzi....

Post 9


thats the way,like I have allways said *why do today what you can put of untill tomorow*smiley - silly
speak to you later smiley - cheers

Hi mitzi....

Post 10

peachy-keen jellybean!

does the Procastinator's Society (or a name similar to that) still exist? I feel I could become a fully paid-up member of that!

Hi mitzi....

Post 11

peachy-keen jellybean!

ahhh, yes, it does!!

btw, please feel free to add to my storysmiley - smiley

Hi mitzi....

Post 12


I was going to say that to you, but I have been sitting here for ten minutes trying to spell the dam thing,I am a member but I did not bothere to get my badge and now I can not find the page,smiley - silly
I will keep looking and I will let you know when I find it


Hi mitzi....

Post 13

peachy-keen jellybean!

already found it!

forgotten it again now!


Hi mitzi....

Post 14


Found it >> A431911 speak to you later smiley - ok

Hi mitzi....

Post 15

peachy-keen jellybean!

lmao, I feel I have perfected the art of procastination...this is the first time I've been on H2G2 since the middle of August! oops........

Hi mitzi....

Post 16


I am the same smiley - biggrin
It has been a very long time since I have been on here ( well last night anyway smiley - laughsmiley - laugh )

manda smiley - magic

Hi mitzi....

Post 17


this time I have outdone myself, two years without coming on h2g2. just long enough to forget my password smiley - sadface oh well I'm back *again* now, pity I have to start all over for a third time though

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