This is the Message Centre for Brain the size of a planet and you make me pick up a pencil


Post 1

Existential Elevator

Tell me about it.........
I just had my SATs...........*yawn*
Brain the size of a planet, and they ask us to sit pointless exams....

Hey, how true do you think this article is<?> A769494


Post 2

Brain the size of a planet and you make me pick up a pencil

He He He, you've got a point, I'd rather swallow a heap of festering flearidden bullshit (ie school dinners) than take my SAT's again.


Post 3

Existential Elevator

Well, at least I will never see a SATs paper again too...

I've decided that who ever writes the maths papers needs to be killed, and fast.


Post 4

Brain the size of a planet and you make me pick up a pencil

Yeah, what's the point of doing maths anyway? we all know the answer's forty two.


Post 5

Existential Elevator



Post 6

Brain the size of a planet and you make me pick up a pencil

and English is about the work of Shakespeare the Bent, who lived about four hundred years ago on planet "SixBillionWordsIsBetterThanOne", and science thrills us with ever so interesting questions like, "what eats rabbits?"


Post 7

Existential Elevator

The one that kills me is: Why do we eat<?>

You really want to answer 'Why do you THINK we eat, moron!'

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