A Conversation for 24 Lies A Second

Go see!

Post 41


~Greebo wishes she could eat every doughnut in existence... Grin~

Go see!

Post 42


Hey Greebs, where've ya been?

They do a tour of the cadbury's factory (for people like me) how about a smiley - donut factory tour for you?

Go see!

Post 43


What, no chocolate smiley?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Go see!

Post 44


is only like trying to do

smiley - choc mmmmm...

Go see!

Post 45


First sign of madness, Catwoman... smiley - smiley

Go see!

Post 46


The second is when you get a reply.

But you're not me, so no need to call for the s yet.

Go see!

Post 47


<Some day all postings will be inside <> marks...>

Go see!

Post 48


Is there a campaign for the use of non-smileys, or can I set one up?

I'd have to have stuff after my name to publicise it though and I don't do that.

Go see!

Post 49


~grin~.. not sure me could join that... not even using smiley's... bless 'em...

Go see!

Post 50


I like using smileys that don't exist, in hopes of discovering the secret smiley.

Go see!

Post 51


Secret Smiley... wha..

Oh you mean... er.. hmmm... me means... there is no secret smiley... ~Greebo looks shifty for a moment...~

Er.. nice day init... ~weak grin~

Go see!

Post 52


There must be a secret smiley, one that isn't on the smileys page, and I intend to discover it, through use of non-smileys.

Go see!

Post 53


I'd like to query that 'no need for ' assertion further up the page, if I may... smiley - smiley

Go see!

Post 54


Unbeliever! YOu will be subject to the inquisition.

'Cake or death!'

smiley - cake or

Go see!

Post 55


Now what kind of a choice is that supposed to be? it sounds like something out of 'Morbo's Guide to Hosting a Tea-Party.'

Hmmm.... smiley - cake, please...

(And I don't believe I'm an unbeliever, so there.)

Go see!

Post 56


You appear not to be a believer in my cause, considering you were asking for the s.

Go see!

Post 57


Hmm, that 'I don't believe I don't believe' thing snagged my brain into a little reflexive loop for a moment. What were we talking about?

Oh yes, the mythical 'secret smiley'. ? No, that didn't work. What does the secret smiley do for one anyway?

Go see!

Post 58


Well, you get to say 'hey, I found the secret smiley!', is that not enough?

smiley - applause

Go see!

Post 59


~Greebo remains silent...~

Go see!

Post 60


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