A Conversation for 24 Lies A Second

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Post 21


The intresting thing will be the Oscars Matrix 2 and 3 could be up for the same Oscars which would mean less chance of winning as the vote would be split.

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Post 22


I can't see them being up for much except special-effects things (not that sort of film really).

I'm impressed that I was allowed a little teeny bit of french there, though.
My inofensive protest about the foreign language rules, not that I can actually speak any, but why can't the moderators just use babelfish? That's the website, obviously. They've got to owe us DNA supporters something for being allowed to use the name.

Go see!

Post 23


Well, regarding the Matrix sequels (impending name-drop alert), when I met Joe Napolitano and Paul Goddard last month I heard the months you said mentioned. Though other sources have said May and November.

You wouldn't be thinking of a certain Kiwi in your comment about directors taking a year between releasing films, would you? I think, with LOTR at least, it's a money thing. This way they can release movie 1 and it'll do very good business for a good 3-4 months, then they can release it on video and do yet more business, and (I shouldn't wonder) re-release it in the cinema this autumn in the lead-up to movie 2. Thus maximising profit from movie 1 before they release movie 2. I think it was a question of timing as well - waiting to release all three films together would've meant at least another 18 months delay to get all the editing and FX done (therefore, slightly dated CGI). Not to mention the audience getting thoroughly sick of hobbits with a blockbuster appearing every six weeks... Me? I'm enjoying the antici... pation.

Regarding the foreign language thing, I don't think there are that many Mods compared to the volume of site traffic and if everyone was posting in different languages they couldn't physically check them all for dodgy content.

Go see!

Post 24


You know, when name-dropping it always helps to get the name right. I mean Joe Pantoliano, obviously. D'oh!!! smiley - smiley

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Post 25


Yeah, what was going on with the names there? Sounded like you were talking about a certain type of stripey icecream.

Am I allowed to pretend that people who have some concept of artisitc vision may not be so obsessed with money? Pleeeease? I can't cope woth anticipation. What if I die before I see the last one? (not that that's gonna happen, my aim is to live to be 116 at least).

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Post 26


"I want to live for ever or die trying"

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Post 27

Post Team

You should put that on Greebo's Wall TL smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - magic

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Post 28


I have specific aims, but obv it's no use being really old if you lose your marbles (or other essential parts) in middle age.

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Post 29


Leaving aside the tricky question of what counts as an 'essential part' ('My brain! That's my second-favourite organ!' - Woody Allen), that's the real trick, isn't it? I think clever folk call it the longevity-senility differential or something similar.

I don't think Peter Jackson etc are solely obsessed with money... but unfortunately the people who finance their (rather expensive) films are, that's the reason they've hung onto enough money to be able to fund them in the first place. There's no place for sentiment in big business...

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Post 30


The quote comes from Blake's 7,Villa of course

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Post 31


Maybe Vila was a Woody Allen fan too. smiley - smiley

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Post 32


Well, many ficticious characters do turn out to be secret fans of (insert whoever anyone said they were a fan of), so I wouldn't be surprised.

Go see!

Post 33


Blake's 7 never seemed to fall for the star trek trick of mentioning the present as there past so i don't think Villa would have even heard of Woody Allen.
It was my quote by the way that came from Villa this one "I want to live for ever or die trying" he did have some good line now and then.

Go see!

Post 34


If you don't mention the now you can argue that it's a different world, in the alternate dimensions scheme of things, and so don't have to worry when things don't make too much sense, science-wise or realistic-future-timespan wise.

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Post 35


I hate to say it, but I think the 'I want to live forever or die in the attempt' gag was originally one of Woody's too... it sounds like his style...

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Post 36


I have seen most of his films and can't remember hereing it from him but you are right it does sound like his style.

Go see!

Post 37


Mmm, well, let's not forget he was a writer and stand-up comic before he was a film-maker (that said I'm flipping through my copy of Without Feathers and can't find it anywhere).

I'm pretty sure the same joke, or a variation of it, is in Terry Pratchett's first Discworld novel, but given his penchant for re-using old gags that proves nothing...

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Post 38


You can find a variation of almost eveery joke ever made if you look at the discworld books long enough.

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Post 39


Yes but it is strange how Pratchett still finds a way to make them new.

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Post 40


*wishes she could afford to buy all discworld books in existence*

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