A Conversation for 24 Lies A Second

Go see!

Post 1


I am! Tomorrow!

Go see!

Post 2


Hurrah! Please tell me what you think of it.

Just saw an interesting piece on the tv news that some town councils are ignoring the 12-certificate issued by the BBFC for this movie in favour of a PG or even a U, just so younger kids can see it. I'd probably rate it as a PG, though the violence is quite strong at some points.

Go see!

Post 3

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

i didnt know they were allowed to ignore certificated thingies

Go see!

Post 4


Yeah, but it has to be a council-level decision. Normally the councils tend to ban films, in effect giving them a 'May not be seen by anyone' certificate (it happened in a lot of places with one of the Monty Python films). This is the first time I've heard of them ignoring a BBFC decision to give a film a wider potential audience. I think cinemas still have to put up a warning about the violence in the film, though.

Go see!

Post 5


It's a 12 where I went, and scarier films have ben PGs. Ever seen 'The Witches'? That is scary. But yeah, the slow-motion 'let's beat up spiderman' wasn't really very suitable for kids. Then again, they can make it a PG with added some scenes may be unsuitable for under 8's.

My verdict: not bad. Certainly the soppy bits were better than some I've seen recently.

Go see!

Post 6

Post Team

Me see it... me enjoyed it... ~big grin~... Me even didn't cringe at the rather large spiders... honest... but me did cheer to see Men In Black finally advertised... hopefully it will up my points in the FFL and be a great movie to go and see... Yay...


Go see!

Post 7


Ah yes. Men in Black. Will there be any fighting in the Post Office over who gets to review it first?

Go see!

Post 8

Post Team

~Greebo chortles bigtime...~

That was FUNNY!!! hope the rest of the film is the same!!!


Go see!

Post 9


Well, we don't bother about that sort of thing normally, it's pretty much a free for all. I suspect it'll come out in the USA first and JJ will take first crack in her inimitable style, then I'll follow through on the UK release and basically indulge in the usual old jokes and blatant bias...

Go see!

Post 10


~Greebo does the 'thumbs up' sign to Awix~

Can't wait... ~grin~.. well actually me can... cause me got patience...

No... me not a doctor!!!


Go see!

Post 11


I guees it's useful to have info from the US, so you know whether to book three weeks ahead just to get to see it on the first day.
I actually saw Spiderman on the friday it came out in a 2/3 empty cinema. It was about 4.30 in the afternoon though.

Go see!

Post 12


It's funny, that - I think what happens is that the media say 'This film is going to be a massive hit!' and so everyone assumes it'll be booked out the first weekend, and doesn't bother even trying to get tickets - with the result that some screenings are lightly populated. Especially these days, when some multiplexes run hourly screenings.

Go see!

Post 13


If you think the 70's spiderman was bad you should watch the Captain America:Operation flag(Also made for TV)made around the same time it makes dragon's challenge look good.
I didn't think much of the last Captain America film but it was a lot better then the TV movie.

I liked the new spiderman film and now look forward to seeing MIB 2 XMEN 2 and HULK to name just a few of the films that are coming from the Marvil comics.
The Ghostrider,Black Panther,Fantastic four,and Weapon X that were talked about might one day even see light of day.

Go see!

Post 14


No news on any of the above (Ghost Rider hasn't got beyond preproduction test footage yet), but in 2003 we are due to get (deep breath):

Daredevil, X-Men 2, Hulk, and The Punisher. With Spider-Man 2 (rumoured to feature Doctor Octopus, The Lizard, and Black Cat), and Blade 3 due the following year.

A Fantastic Four movie, done as faithfully as the Spider-Man one, would really, really ring my bell. Flame on! It's clobberin' time!

Go see!

Post 15


They did shoot some footage of ghostrider for Blade 2 but it was cut out.
Did you pick up on the references in the Spiderman film then?

Go see!

Post 16


I know a reference to X-Men was cut out of Spiderman for timing reasons.

Also that some of the characters in Daredevil have had their backgrounds altered from the book to avoid copyright problems (Spiderman and Daredevil 'share' a few of their supporting characters in the comics, but the movies have been made by different companies).

Did you know that Alan Cumming (tiny wee Scottish actor, was in Goldeneye and Spy Kids) is playing one of the X-Men in the sequel?

Go see!

Post 17


I mean like Dr Conners sack Peter for being late.Dr Conners is of course the Lizard.

Go see!

Post 18


Of course smiley - smiley. D'oh!

Go see!

Post 19


And of course Stan(The man)Lee saved a little girl and Edie Brock was trying to get a photo of spiderman.

Go see!

Post 20


2002 is 'the year of the sequel' is it not?
All of these things with 2 after them:
Star wars
Lord of the Rings
The Matrix (should have been)

Is it true that matrices (hee hee) 2&3 are both coming out in 2003? One about Aprilish and one nearer the end of the year. Now THAT is what you should do when you film more than one film back-to-back, n'est-ce pas? (Bitterly aiming that at certain filmmakers who feel the need to leave a year in between).

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