This is the Message Centre for Existential Elevator

Contractual Obligation

Post 121

Existential Elevator

smiley - musicalnoteHis eloquance, magnificance...

Thankyou, I feel much better now....

Contractual Obligation

Post 122


smiley - winkeye

Good! Anything else you need smiley - kissing better, just let me know smiley - smiley

TK[1]smiley - pirate

Contractual Obligation

Post 123

Existential Elevator

smiley - biggrin

smiley - ta dear, I'll make sure you're first to know...
I'm exhausted today, I think my energy levels need kissing better... But I can't help but feel that's physically impossible... I mean "kiss my aura?" smiley - laugh

Contractual Obligation

Post 124


I have no idea where that's from.

I could try.... if you wanted smiley - smiley

TK[1]smiley - pirate

Contractual Obligation

Post 125

Existential Elevator

Catatonia- "Post Script".... It's been on my mind a lot lately becuase of, well... smiley - musicalnote They recommended counselling, but I don't need to talk...
It's a good song, though, I have the sheet music about somewhere smiley - laugh

that /would/ be an achievement!

Contractual Obligation

Post 126


Ahhhh.... lol, aw smiley - cuddle

It'd be worth trying, I'm sure, even to fail.

TK[1]smiley - pirate

Contractual Obligation

Post 127

Existential Elevator

But to complete the quote I gave you... *clears throat*
smiley - musicalnote He came on ecclesiasticly, his sermon loud and bold. And I got hold of spiritual healin'. His eloquence, magnificence - I didn't stand for long. And there I learned how prayer can be misguiding..
smiley - silly
smiley - biggrin

smiley - silly
smiley - biggrin
smiley - winkeyesmiley - hug

Contractual Obligation

Post 128


Nice smiley - smiley

smiley - winkeyesmiley - smoochsmiley - biggrin

TK[1]smiley - pirate

Contractual Obligation

Post 129

Existential Elevator

I looked over the chord blocks for that song earlier on... ouch. Even the piano-ed version looks a nightmare smiley - weird

smiley - smoochsmiley - biggrin

Contractual Obligation

Post 130


The piano version would just be gobbledegook to me. What's the song called?

smiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - hug

TK[1]smiley - pirate

Contractual Obligation

Post 131

Existential Elevator

IT's called "Post Script". IT wouldn't be so bad in piano-speak if it weren't in an odd key. The guitar blocks are all chord I can't play.. nasty F and F# chord that require bridging smiley - yuk

smiley - biggrinsmiley - hug

Contractual Obligation

Post 132


Aw, just sounds like a matter of practising and srengthening your fingers smiley - tongueout

smiley - cuddle

Contractual Obligation

Post 133

Existential Elevator

And in my case, lengthening them all by about 1cm smiley - winkeye

smiley - cuddle

Contractual Obligation

Post 134


I bet yours are longer than mine.

smiley - cuddle

TK[1]smiley - pirate

Contractual Obligation

Post 135

Existential Elevator

Proportionally maybe, but it's unlikely smiley - smiley

Contractual Obligation

Post 136


No, yours are probably /actually/ longer than mine. Most people's are. Mine are horrible stubby things.

TK[1]smiley - pirate

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