This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

Weird People / Strange People

Post 1


I am Sick and Tired of smiley - sillyFools andsmiley - weirdos Who Say They Know You But They Do Not Know You I have Found OUt That They Are Attention Seekers They Must Live on Internet most of them do anyway They Hear smiley - sillyRumours About people and they make them into even more bigger stories They live in a smiley - fairyTale most of them do I have Had some Dealings with Unpleasant people and i must say They Think They know you I was accused of being a friend and she was accused of being me Now come on now everyone knows us scousers sound the same Blimey Someone thinks we scousers are from walse and we talk smiley - sheepBaa lol No affence to you welsh as i've welsh family who live in Gywnedd smiley - biggrin
Then There's The Stranger People I once had a invite sent to me on the internet He claimed he was a smiley - ghostwho could fly Through The Tv screen and Another Time I was sent another email He claimed he was from outa space and he was asmiley - alienfrown
What do you all think about smiley - weirdo's and Strange People on The Net Do you Think There Attention Seekers Or Just Plain smiley - monsters?
smiley - biggrin
Also Some People Take The Net Fare Too Seriously,smiley - laughs
Please Leave me a message I would Like to Hear your Views On This.

Weird People / Strange People

Post 2

Boxing Baboon 2

weird people are smiley - weird in normal life very sick beings .as for being a sicko indead

Weird People / Strange People

Post 3


smiley - laugh i Know whaT you mean there are some people who think there super human and some are just plain daft and as for the nutcases andsmiley - weird people well there all Attention seekers One day the men in the whitesmiley - doctorCoats will arrive and cart them off.

Yesterday I went on This chat site called Ifriends on the net and this person said in a topic in forums in the Shout section that he believes aliens are Our god now i had to reply and i said How can a alien be god when god name is johova and we are not allowed to say gods real name as it's unrespectful
and his reply was I have Been taken into a space ship and then i said to myself I'm not reply to that as he is a the biggest Nutcase I've ever come across fancy saying that.

Have you been taken up in a space ship martin ?

Weird People / Strange People

Post 4

Boxing Baboon 2

come to think of it yes ive been in 1 of these smiley - ufo not really smiley - biggrin have you ?

Weird People / Strange People

Post 5


No They Have Not Come For Me Yet Thesmiley - alienfrowns smiley - laughs
No i aint Been in a space ship I've been in a AiroPlaine thou lol

I've sent you a fwd thing my scouser mate sent me lol its funny yeah gorra read it me just gonner give him a big scare lol

Weird People / Strange People

Post 6

Boxing Baboon 2

ive read the email lmao

Weird People / Strange People

Post 7


Lock Your Doors and Block up YOur Chimmney Cos There's a smiley - santasmiley - thiefGoing Round Everywhere pretending to be asmiley - santahe is not he a smiley - thief
Make sure everyones smiley - dogRotties are by the chimney so when the intruder falls down and try brk in your home the smiley - dogs can bite his arsmiley - bleepse

Weird People / Strange People

Post 8

Boxing Baboon 2

poor smiley - santasmiley - dogs s gonna bite his backside smiley - bluesmiley - laugh

Weird People / Strange People

Post 9


He is Not A poor smiley - santaIndeed he is asmiley - thief
Let thesmiley - dogs after him,

Ave yeah seen those joke slogans in the Quick brew tea bag box well there's theese headlines you can rea arange around, Get on This funny headline news

a footballers wife was caught walking down smith street in the early hours with a creature wich looks like half poodle half pig the police say Its a
Corker lol

Weird People / Strange People

Post 10

Boxing Baboon 2

nah they said its emile heskey smiley - biggrin

Weird People / Strange People

Post 11


A748604 Read my True facts I've just shown my grandfather what he told me when i was 6 I put on here in 2002
smiley - biggrin
I hope it dosn't give you any nightmares

Oh by the way nosey parker said hello to you on the number thread

Weird People / Strange People

Post 12

Boxing Baboon 2

cant be bothered with him lol

Weird People / Strange People

Post 13



I'm Haven my dinner soon yellowsmiley - fish
n baby spuds then i've got order taxi and take grandfather back to my mums otherwise the Nightsmiley - nursewho comes to give him his pills will go
and i for 1 have had enough oh he is a dear old soul i love him but he gose on about world war 1 all the time and he starts swearing about Hitler and churchill smiley - laughs

do you like aeros ?
would you like a mint 1?

Weird People / Strange People

Post 14

Boxing Baboon 2

im not a smiley - choc lover smiley - sorry

Weird People / Strange People

Post 15


Then What Kind of Lover Are you ?


You must sit there all day and twiddle your thumbs
i don't i walk about have a laff buzz off the butcher n veg man
Why is it its 99p in every corner shop why can't they just put 80p instead.

arghhhhhh there a smiley - spideron me wall
smiley - sadface

Weird People / Strange People

Post 16

Boxing Baboon 2

why whats 99p in every shop? well crack the smiley - spiderlol

Weird People / Strange People

Post 17


Bog Rolls are 99p Hair spray is 99p
Coke cola litre 99p dogs chew stick 99p a jug of milk is 99p the list gose on and when you go to Tesco or asda it's well cheaper
I went The butchers Today Bought 2LB worth of Diced Goose and He said 1.99p i gave him loads over it everythink in his shop is either 99p or 59p But when i can't get smiley - busto asda i go my local shope

Oh no I not going near the smiley - spider
it's at the back of the settee on the wall it's huge arrrrh i don't like em

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