The Devil Of Liverpool

2 Conversations

When The <devil>Walked Through Liverpool.

On 12 January, 1866, a great snow storm struck Liverpool, The blizzard was so fierce that it blew down a telegraph lines and all communication
with London and the rest of the country was suspended for over a week,As tempertures plunged below zero, the River Mersey froze over and Liverpool gradually came to a standstill, People hurried indoors to escape the snow covered streets.

At six O'Clock the fllowing morning a policeman in the south end of the city centre came upon a curious sight, In the fresh Virgin snow on Great George Street, He noticed a trail of what looked like hoof prints but they were very peculiar, It was as if the Animal had put one hoof exactly in front of the other and walked in a precise straight line, The policeman measured the distance
between each horseshoe shaped print and saw that it was eight inches, He knew of no Animal that could walk in such a manner.

He followed the trail and saw that the tracks could not have been made by a four legged animal he was a aware of Nothing impeded the progress of the unidentified animals The tracks went right up Great George Street and where found on each side the wall, Strangeer still at one point the tracks went across the roof of the snow covered house oin Oldam Street, Where a postman had also noticed the strange prints, The trail extened up St anne Street and onto Scotland Road where they suddleny came to a dead end, As if the strange creature had taken off like a bird at that point.

News of the eerie trail spread across Liverpool and the local population, which comprised of many superstitious Irish Immagrants Thought there was a something unearthly about the prints in the snow, People were soon referring to the tracks as the Devil's Footprints,Believeing Satan had strolled through the desserted streets of Liverpool, And who else could walk over the Walls and RoofTops? Who else had hoofed feet?
Others Thought the culprit was Spring heeled jack a legendary figure who could make tremendous leaps in the air, But The Facts are Still a Strange Spooky eerie Feeling Even Today My GrandFather Still Talks about It What His father Told him.

What do you thing The strange creature was and How do we exspalin Why it happend.

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