This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 21

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Who are you anyway?

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 22


I have answered your question in a different message. Not that it has anything to do with you in the first place.

I don't ask you questions, because I'm simply not interested.

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 23

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

smiley - ok

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 24


hiya hun its paula AKA Grifter Gal smiley - smiley lets have a smiley - coffee and a slice of smiley - cheesecake and i,ll introduce myself to you ok smiley - smiley well i,m 32 female and live in london with my partner Ron, my hobbies are collecting collectable dolls and miniture teapots and smiley - clown and i,m a drama workshop leader smiley - diva and i smiley - love anything to do with dokphins smiley - smiley as i find them beautiful creatures smiley - smiley anyway i hope to hear from you soon take care
Grifter Gal smiley - peacedovesmiley - peacedove

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 25

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Hi hun

How are you today hope you are well.
I am a lot better today, since what happened on Saturday.
Have you seen what happened hun, but if you havent, go and take a look if you want.
I havent heard from you for awhile now, hope that you have been smiley - ok
smiley - rosesmiley - choc

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 26


Antsmiley - love
Andysmiley - panda
When You two Get Time To Read Go The Library And Look Up A book By Tom Slemen Title Haunted Liverpool 3 And Liverpool 5 And Liverpool 20 I have just Read about Some our well known place's I didn't believe they Where True untill My Uncle took me To Town Hall in Town And It's All True The Devil Walked Through Liverpool In 1890 and 1901 Before The war started and The fact's and Storie's are all True I recommend You Two Lad's get a copy Best ever read and Wow they are spooky as well.

Hi nat's
How are you Todaysmiley - sorryi haven't been online for awhile But This (WILL) Buisness is Driven me up the wall My Uncle has Contested against My Late Aunt's choice of who Get's what And like he Need's the Money He smiley - bleepstinking Rich So mainly There been Fun Fun all love hate and war Over The (WILL) but I haven the last laugh It's in My Name and I say who get's what And they Don't get a penny I have Donated some To The Rspca and gave Some the M.S and some To The Roy castle appeal for cures for cancer My Aunt Left Strict word's That I give The R.S.P.B so i did.
My end here been frantic as well
Hey you can choose who your friend's are but Not Your Family And mine have proved they Don't love each other only if £££££ is concerned Well They can all Go and smiley - whistleas It's mine Put In A trust Fund For when I turn 30
Dunno why i have wait till i'm old n grey lol.
How's you and your other half?
Hope your Both smiley - okDo you Like smiley - ghoststories which are true ?
Well Them Book's I read are all True and i had them storys checked out Did you know In 1870
We liverpool wernt known as liverpool But Devilpool And then we where namedThe Liver Then some wise man named Liverpool came along and saved us from A man Named Lucifer(smiley - devil)
Take care
spk soon
smiley - hugs

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 27

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Hi Hilary

smiley - love

I have sent you an email hun, did you read it.
Anyway what you have just is all true, cos i discovered that from the library my self, back in in the year 1996.
It's strange hoe places get there names really isn't it?
It's just like street names aswell, cos they have all got st this or st that lol smiley - biggrin
Oh well we do learn things everyday don't we, but if we didn't we wouldn't know nothing would we lmao smiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh
Anyway i am off cos i have to do the dinner.
So you take care until we chat again smiley - ok
Love going your way.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
smiley - rosesmiley - choc
P.S. Where's Ant been hiding, cos i havent heard him for a while.

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 28


Hi Nat'ssmiley - love

Ant Is Just Fine I spoke With Him On Saturday He Will Try Come On Today Dunno when lol
He said To Me he Dosn't Drink But OMG he Drink'ssmiley - aleLike waterlol

How's you then Nat Thanks for The E-mail I will reply to it soon Yes most our Town it's True most the smiley - ghosts that Roam it it is True as well I Go Crosby Library it well better bigger and more time on the Computer's I only go to Look Up Present's pff the net when i can't Find what i want but i go in end up Coming out with 10 Book's lol
anyway i mustsmiley - runas i have other message's To see take care
spk soon
smiley - hugs

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 29


hiya hilary i'm smiley - ok thanx been busy in work as i work about 11 or 12 hours a day got the weekend off this week & don't go back until tuesday so i'll be able 2 rest my weary bones as i'm getting old now smiley - laugh. i went 2 birkenhead on friday as i was off & there are more shops there than there are here. my brother was the same about me chatting 2 someone from ld when he went 2 birmingham so we had a barny about it as he didn't like me talking 2 her when he wasn't online. i've never been 2 the strand or bootle so i don't know wot it's like there. anyway hope ur ok & i'll chat soon.

thanx 4 the smiley - cupcake & ale

smiley - hug's smiley - kisssmiley - love


A Huge Giant Hug

Post 30

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Hi Hilary

I am glad that Ant is fine, and how are you?
I think Liverpool Library is better than Crosby, cos it is absolutely massive.
You can only get 6 to 8 books out of it though, but it is a good Library.
So in other words you are saying is, that Ant drinks like a fish lol smiley - biggrin
Does he go bob bob bob bob then lmao smiley - biggrin
Sorry Ant if you are on, i was only kidding lmao smiley - biggrin
I have to smiley - run>> myself, for i have more postings to do.
I even havent talked to the Wally Gang yet, whoops so i had better go.
You take care smiley - ok
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
smiley - chocsmiley - rose

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 31

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Hi Hilary

I am glad that Ant is fine, and how are you?
I think Liverpool Library is better than Crosby, cos it is absolutely massive.
You can only get 6 to 8 books out of it though, but it is a good Library.
So in other words you are saying is, that Ant drinks like a fish lol smiley - biggrin
Does he go bob bob bob bob then lmao smiley - biggrin
Sorry Ant if you are on, i was only kidding lmao smiley - biggrin
I have to smiley - run>> myself, for i have more postings to do.
I even havent talked to the Wally Gang yet, whoops so i had better go.
You take care smiley - ok
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
smiley - chocsmiley - rose

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 32


Andysmiley - panda
I've Started My Own Word Game
Why Don't Put Your Brain In Gear and Drop By Oh Your Most Welcome
You May Eat Whatever You Wish
Here Have Asmiley - donutAndsmiley - ale
The Strand Shopping Centre Is Boss But I Allway's Get Thesmiley - bus
To Town I shop Everywheresmiley - tongueout
I'm Fine Thanks Just Had One Them Day's Been allsmiley - sadfacesmiley - bluesmiley - wah
I don't know what's The matter With mesmiley - ermDid you Get My Letter
In smiley - thepost?
Take care
spk soon
smiley - lovesmiley - hugssmiley - kiss

Hi Nat's
Ant won't mind If You Call Him A smiley - hsif
Well i bettersmiley - runI have to answer My message's as wellsmiley - zzz
Take care
smiley - hugs

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 33

ant 316

hi nats

sorry havent spoke i a while been busy smiley - love how are you hope you are alright im fine thanks for asking i have had a lot on my mind just lately

speak to you soon lol ant

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 34

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Hi Ant

What is wrong with Hilary hun, i hope that she is alright.
The rason why is that she told me something, i wouldn't care to write on here.
Get my email addy off her and email me please, cos i want to ask you something.
I hope that you get back to me, cos i really need to chat.
Hope that you are smiley - ok the next time we chat.
Take care cos i care smiley - ok
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 35

ant 316

i will email hillary and ask her to send me your email addy i will aswell she has told me to tell you if she isnt on is because she isnt well she has a cold

take care smiley - lovesmiley - love


A Huge Giant Hug

Post 36

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Hi Ant

I am so smiley - sorry hearing that Hilary is not well, so if you email her tell her to hurry up and get well.
Yeah smiley - ok get my email addy off Hilary then, that's smiley - ok by me.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 37


smiley - yikesI'm a late reply to thissmiley - sorry
Anthony Where are you Honey

Hiya andysmiley - elf
Hiya Nat'ssmiley - hug

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