This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 1


A Huge Giant Big
smiley - hugFor All My Friend's On Here
For Being There For Me and To 1 Very Specail Man Andy You Derserve More than a Hug Your Been There For me Through Thick N Thin.
Thankyou Everyone For Being There And Putting Up with mysmiley - wahMy smiley - sadfacemy moan's
Thankyou For Just Being There For Me.
1 Giant huge smiley - hug
For you all You all mean The world To me.
smiley - biggrin

smiley - peacesign

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 2


hiya hilary u will be getting me all embarrassed smiley - blush saying i'm a very special man lol. i know i've been with u through thick & thin but u have been there 4 me as well so the feelings is mutual smiley - hug. u will probably be smiley - blushing now as well but u know i'm honest.

i'll have a smiley - ale in memory of ur aunt 2moro hun

take care and hopefully chat soon



smiley - hug

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 3


Andy My Littlesmiley - pandaYou, Are Specail It's just you Don't see it How Long have we known each Other Hey A Very very Long Time More than anyone elase has Known Each other and Your My very Specail BestFriend I share my problem's with you And you Tell Me your's We know each other Inside Out.
arrgh Do i see You going shy on me there Oh dear dearsmiley - cuddleThat should make you no longer shy
I'm smiley - sillyI'msmiley - blushsmiley - biggrinsmiley - smileyI'm here for you allways You know That.
Now shut Up and Get This Down yousmiley - alesmiley - porkpie

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 4

ant 316

hey wheres my big hug lol

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 5


Ant Now Now I will Have none of That. smiley - cuddlehere you go
Where's mine then off yousmiley - sadface

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 6

ant 316

you can have one next time i see you lol well im off speak to you soon ant

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 7


Oh My God He Said Next Time He See's me Wow smiley - steamI better smiley - runto as I need To Get My Bath
and Sort Some Cloth's Out To wear I can't wear asmiley - towelNighty All daysmiley - laugh

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 8



doesnt wash spends all day in her nightie no job

dirty smelly fatty loony

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 9

ant 316

leave us alone whoever you are

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 10


yeah i know i'm special as u keep telling me that i am. it's been a really long time since we first started chatting 2 each other & i'm glad that we did smiley - smiley. what have u been up2 over the weekend then? wot a shame about the smiley - football losing 3-0 to the rednoses smiley - wah. thanks 4 the smiley - ale & smiley - porkpie wot about a slice of cake though? lol

smiley - hug


A Huge Giant Hug

Post 11


Go away Your The one That Stink's To high Heaven
smiley - runeveryone smiley - laugh

Andysmiley - panda Hello There smiley - sadfaceI know about The Game I went watched it at The Pub smiley - wahWe lost smiley - wahI had a fewsmiley - stiffdrinks To Try Cheer me up afterward's Then I went Out And I tell You In a Email what happend some one is jealous of me talking with you and Anthony I think he sosmiley - silly.Here a smiley - cupcakethere Home made
Here have a Glass of smiley - ale
How's you Then?
I've Not Bin Up2 much I was down your way Today I went birkenhead To get a new pair trainers I kno it's a long way But i was fed up with Town and The strand shopping Centre The sports shops are smiley - bleeptrash So i Got Thesmiley - busOver Got meself A pair Of Nikesmiley - biggrin.
Take care
smiley - hugssmiley - kisssmiley - love

Antsmiley - love
Where Have you been I bin Trying To phone You All Sunday and Today You was Switched offsmiley - wah
How's you then?
here have a Home made smiley - cupcake
& smiley - alesmiley - sorry There's No Fresh Cream I only Made buttercream Today
smiley - loveblush
Take care
smiley - hugssmiley - kisssmiley - love

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 12

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Hi Hilary

Does that include me aswell, i hope so lol smiley - laughsmiley - biggrin
You havent messaged me for ages, hope you are alright and havent fallen out with me.
Anyway hun i just hope that you havent, cos you are good friends together.
We have helped each other out aswell, over you know who ne names mentioned lol smiley - biggrin
I know you will be in bed now, so i hope that you get back in touch.
So you take care cos i care smiley - ok
Lots of love going your way.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
>hug> smiley - rosesmiley - choc

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 13


told you before, stop emailling me nonsense, and remove my name from your "friends" list. its as simple as that. you dont need me on it, so TAKE ME OFF IT!

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 14


Hi Natsmiley - love

How are You I'm Fine Thankyou
No We Will Never FallOut,
I've Just Been So Buisy This Last Couple Of Day's.
Thanks For The Email
I know we have been Through It Together Did you Hear anyone then I neversmiley - biggrin
How's you and Your OtherHalf Then.
Take care
smiley - hugs
Ps.. Did you See The Match On saturday Everton Lost To Liverpoolsmiley - wahOh well There be more Game's this season.

Here have a barsmiley - choc

Hi antsmiley - love
How's you Today
I'm fine
Take No notice of Him he just out To Cause More Trouble Ignore Him Please For me.
Take care
smiley - lovesmiley - hugsmiley - kiss

Andysmiley - panda
Hiya love hows you today
hope your smiley - ok
Take care
spk soon
smiley - cuddlesmiley - kisssmiley - love

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 15

ant 316

im fine hun ive explained in an email to you why my phone was switched off smiley - love

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 16

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Hi Hilary

smiley - love

I have spoken to Phil to let bygones be bygones, so i am now waiting for a reply.
I just can't take it anymore, so i hope he stays friendly.
No i didn't see the match, i'm smiley - sorry to say.
I was busy anyway what's new lol smiley - biggrin
I had a bit of bother on Saturday, and it wasn't very pleasant i can tell you.
I have explained it all on Abbi's message, what she sent to me, if you would care to take a look.
I am so glad that we havent fallen out with each other, cos i wouldn't like that at all.
Anyway hun i must smiley - run>> cos i have more postings to reply to, so be free to email me smiley - ok
Catch you later and be good aswell lol smiley - biggrin
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 17

ant 316

sorry if i got the wrong idea about me upsettin you hun gotta run now

take care speak soon love hugs and kisses


A Huge Giant Hug

Post 18


What Ever Your Personal Problem was email Me I might Beable To Help I'll Tell You about What Happend to Me On Saturday Night
I feel sosmiley - sillyMaybe I Did Do It I don't kno Co's i was On Cloud9 I had way To Menysmiley - stiffdrinks Most I can remeber Most i can't ooop's Anthony is watchingsmiley - blush
Yeah Let's all be Friend's Life's Too short To be at each Other's Throat's And if He Dosn't wanna Kno Then We can't Force Him To be Friends Can We.
I've spoken with Phil This week He has been Very Good He Told Some1 I won't name to leave me alone I hate it when ppl Put Our City Down.
so what you been up2 ?
Take care
Spk soon
smiley - hugs

Antsmiley - love
I will reply to yoursmiley - thepostin 10 mins as I've got Load's of message's to reply tosmiley - whistle
smiley - biggrinI remeber What Happend On Saturday Now I think I Did You Know whatsmiley - blushOh My God i feel sosmiley - silly?
How's you what you been up2?
Take caresmiley - love
smiley - cuddle

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 19

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Hi Hilary

smiley - love

Did you have too many smiley - stiffdrinks then lol smiley - biggrin
What i have been up to, well i have been on h2g2 all day on and off.
Doing housework aswell as having breakfast and lunch.
I have yet to do the tea yet, and that is home made Pork Curry, and i can't wait either to eat it lol smiley - biggrin
We are having Jack Potatos with it aswell mmmmm yummy lol smiley - biggrin
On Thursday i am making Scouse, mmmmmm yummy again lmao smiley - biggrin
I bet you are saying that i am a doh lol smiley - biggrin but i am happy now.
I have had something to calm me down before, cos i was all hot under the collar so to speak.
But it is all sorted now, cos me and Phil are talking back again.
Anyway the phone has just rung so i had better go, and hope to hear from you again.
Take care cos i care smiley - ok
Lots of love going your way.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
smiley - hugz back smiley - rosesmiley - choc

A Huge Giant Hug

Post 20


NATS, tell her nothing. The minute your back is turned she's off repeating it to everyone else. I know how much she forwards all her emails around, classic trouble-maker behaviour. Another thing, she'll use it against you in the future.

Just a friendly warning from someone who has first experience of it all.


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