This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

*Won't be on as much*

Post 1


Due to a family member being verysmiley - ill
smiley - sadfacei won't be on as much I'm smiley - sorry but if you want keep intouch for when i'm not on here you can alway's email me
smiley - ok
Take care yourselves smiley - smiley
Hilarysmiley - peacedove

*Won't be on as much*

Post 2


why you left for?smiley - erm

*Won't be on as much*

Post 3


Hi big_stranger

I haven't left as such,i'm not online as much as i would like to be
smiley - groan due to my brother and mum moving to walessmiley - sadface and another family member being verysmiley - ill.

who are you ?

Take care


Hilarysmiley - peacedove

*Won't be on as much*

Post 4

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit online 24/7
"Take good care for your real life companions, they are much more valuable then 'us' Researchers.

Glad you try to keep in contact with the community even in busy times smiley - goodlucksmiley - smiley "

*Won't be on as much*

Post 5


Hello Traveller Time smiley - smiley

Thanks for those kind words i try my best to look after them all
smiley - biggrin

did you have a nice easter? hope your well

Hilarysmiley - peacedove

*Won't be on as much*

Post 6



nice to see you back around, hope all will be well with your relative, sending healing waves NOWsmiley - magic

*Won't be on as much*

Post 7


Thankyou simetra

i try to get back on every now and again my life in Real is very buisy i'm rushed off my feet just try to chill and reply to everyone got lot's smiley - thepost off all the lovely sweet people on h2g2smiley - hugs

*Won't be on as much*

Post 8


smiley - sorry to hear about your mother inlaw real am your auntie jean told me real amsmiley - sorry tell her to fight this smiley - ok tell her to be strong don't forget if you need us we here to support yousmiley - hug

smiley - angel

*Won't be on as much*

Post 9


hi princess iz it true wat i heard about u ur a troll?
i best_mates here email me plz

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