This is the Message Centre for Captain_SpankMunki [Keeper & Former ACE] Thanking <Diety of choice> for the joy of Goo.

It's still beer o'clock

Post 1

Captain_SpankMunki [Keeper & Former ACE] Thanking <Diety of choice> for the joy of Goo.

My watch must be stuck. It was beer o'clock at 16:00, it's still beer o'clock.

I can't think of anything interesting to right. I just came back to work to get my bag. I logged on to hootoo for the hell of it. Typing is such a joy and I'm sure I'll enjoy reading this when sober. Still I've answered Master B's cheese riddle - it's the 10 pints consumed per 100g of cheddar that makes the difference.

You will believe how many rewrites I've had for this post. The delete key is almost worn out.


It's still beer o'clock

Post 2

Captain_SpankMunki [Keeper & Former ACE] Thanking <Diety of choice> for the joy of Goo.

Tonight's conclusions.

1) Michelob tastes better than rolling rock
2) Michelob may be owned by South African Breweries, also owners of Budweiser (the all american beer my ar*e).
3) Rolling rock tastes of urine
4) Vodka is nice.
5) Lorna is nicer.
6) Hootoo takes on a new perspective this drunk
7) There's no one around so I'm replying to my own messages
8) I can't be that drunk, I answered a technical query.
9) f**k knows.


It's still beer o'clock

Post 3


Oh isn't it?

Theres 96 researchers online according to the Who's Online page.

But only a few appear to be doing anything.


It's still beer o'clock

Post 4

Captain_SpankMunki [Keeper & Former ACE] Thanking <Diety of choice> for the joy of Goo.

Whatie whatie what? Where is everybody?!


It's still beer o'clock

Post 5



Maybe they're all more drunk than you.


It's still beer o'clock

Post 6

Captain_SpankMunki [Keeper & Former ACE] Thanking <Diety of choice> for the joy of Goo.

I expect so, the lucky buggers. Sobriety is creaping up on me, things are making sense.

Geggs, leave me a message, I'll get back to you.

Liam, going home.

It's still beer o'clock

Post 7


Of course, when you wake up tomorrow morning, you'll remember none of this.

Good job this thread is here to remind you what you did then, isn't it?

Oh, and F19585?thread=295050&post=3745046#p3744942 as well.


It's still beer o'clock

Post 8

Mu Beta

**tracks the 'Liam being pissed threads'**

**looks at watch**

My word, this man's a bit of a lightweight, isn't he? I'm 2 1/2 bottles of wine down and I can still type coherently.


It's still beer o'clock

Post 9

Captain_SpankMunki [Keeper & Former ACE] Thanking <Diety of choice> for the joy of Goo.

Ah, it was a leaving do. By that point I was a bottle and a half of champagne down, 7-8 beers and humtyflumptyhump* whiskies through the evening.

Ah, the Lisa Marie thing.

*Insert correct number here - bar tab was paid by large investment bank.


It's still beer o'clock

Post 10

Mu Beta

Ah - humptyflumptyhump - a nice little distillery in the Shetlands, that.smiley - winkeye


It's still beer o'clock

Post 11


*Would like it if, at least once in his life, he could experience having his bar tab paid.*

It's still beer o'clock

Post 12

Mu Beta

**Would like if, for once in his life, he could get creditn at a bar**


It's still beer o'clock

Post 13


*Doesn't even bother trying to get credit, although he does get cheap drinks*

It's still beer o'clock

Post 14

Mu Beta

**Would like it if, for once in his life, he could get cheap drinks**


It's still beer o'clock

Post 15

Captain_SpankMunki [Keeper & Former ACE] Thanking <Diety of choice> for the joy of Goo.

If I had to pay the tab - I wouldn't be drinking there.

Still a good half-night out at someone else's expense.


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