A Conversation for P.U.D.D.I.N.G.

Ten signs of grumpiness

Post 1

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho


Question shortlist:

1. Are you satisfied with life? No smiley - cross
2. Are you satisfied with your husband, wife or partner? I don't have one, thank you for not asking smiley - cross
3. How satisfied are you with your mental and physical health? I'm currently in agony thanks to a bad back smiley - cross
4. Are you happy in your job? Are you having a laugh? smiley - cross
5. Do you feel involved in your neighbourhood? Certainly not smiley - cross
6. Are you happy with your personal income? See question 4 smiley - cross
7. Are you satisfied with your education? No, it failed me completely smiley - cross
8. Data on how many voted and trust in Parliament will also be measured. Er, that's not a question smiley - cross
9. Statistics on the economy will also be included. Nor is that smiley - cross
10. As will environmental factors, including greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants. What part of 'that's not a question' don't you understand? smiley - cross

Ten signs of grumpiness

Post 2


smiley - applause

Ten signs of grumpiness

Post 3


I don't mean that sarcastically either.

An ill wind today has put me in a foul mood all day.

Ten signs of grumpiness

Post 4

Cheerful Dragon

Here's my answers:

1. No
2. Yes.
3. Mental health - fine. Physical health - disabled due to MS and trochanteric bursitis (that's bad hips to everybody else).
4. Unemployed, and therefore unemployable, because disabled.
5. No.
6. No. I get Disabled Living Allowance, but that's it.
7. Which bit? School was OK, after that it went downhill. My most recent qualifications I've paid for myself. Bless the Open University.
8 - 10. What he said.

Ten signs of grumpiness

Post 5


1. Are you satisfied with life? No
2. Are you satisfied with your husband, wife or partner? I don't have one, thank you for not asking
3. How satisfied are you with your mental and physical health? Physical health passable. Mental health sketchy
4. Are you happy in your job? No job
5. Do you feel involved in your neighbourhood? Slightly
6. Are you happy with your personal income? No
7. Are you satisfied with your education? No

Key: Complain about this post