A Conversation for P.U.D.D.I.N.G.

Hello to all you happy smiley PUDDING people ;-)

Post 21

Researcher 198131

1. Loneliness. A general feeling of waiting for life to start, and not actually living it. (Sorry if that makes no sense)

2. There's no undo button.

3. Stupid people. I don't suffer fools easily. Most of the time I can ignore them, but not always. Stupid questions annoy me. ie. Someone rings work to ask what time we're open until. I say half past eight. She says 'In the evening?'!! Who ever heard of a library that's open until half past eight in the morning!

4. I wish I could organise my postings better.

5. Summer. I hate the heat. Give me a freezing cold rainy day any day. I can then bundle up and seek comfort for my grumpiness in a good book, while in cozy warmth. I can really enjoy a good hot cuppa tea. Love the sound of rain hitting the window. Can't do any of these things in 40 degree heat. (that’s 104 f)

6. I never snap out of being a PUDDING, though it can be pushed away. THHGTTG always helps, yes.

7. I thought PUDDING was a great idea. I applauded the fact that PUDDING stood up against people trying to impose false cheer on us. I like being able to feel grumpy when I'm grumpy and not having to pretend I'm not. It's not healthy to be falsely cheerful.

8. I wouldn't say I'm grumpy ALL of the time. Like I said, it can be pushed away. Guess I'll have to choose some of the time.

9. "How are you?" Don't bother asking me this unless you really care about how I am. It's a stupid way to greet people.

10. Not very. It's good that the post is giving PUDDING some recognition.

Hello to all you happy smiley PUDDING people ;-)

Post 22

Post Team

Thank you all for your refreshing answers. I am now collating the information found here and will use it as ammunition in my forthcoming interview.

I could declare this forum closed/defunct, but as it is on your club page that would probably make you all extremely grumpy... so I won't.

Please feel free to carry on as before. smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - thepost

Hello to all you happy smiley PUDDING people ;-)

Post 23

Titania (gone for lunch)

And why wouldn't you do anything that would make as grumpy? Is there something wrong with being grumpy - is that what you're saying? Is it? Eh? Eh?smiley - cross

smiley - winkeye
smiley - devil

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