A Conversation for H2G2 Bookworms Club

I'd like to join!

Post 1


smiley - smiley

I've just read your debut in The Post today with a review of Angela's Ashes and Tis..Congratulations smiley - ok and I hope that your reviews become a regular read...smiley - bubbly

...However having read Angela's Ashes and Tis many times I feel that the book was not given as in depth review as they deserved. So rather than post my scrutinous (is that even a word? smiley - winkeye) comments at the bottom of the article, I am here to ask if I can join and put my comments to good use!!

I love to read and I get through alot of books, so if you'll have me I would love to share some of them with you! smiley - biggrin

Genie x

I'd like to join!

Post 2


Marvellous!!! smiley - biggrin you're just the sort of person that we want!!!! !do stay, have a smiley - coffeesmiley - cakesmiley - choc etc.. if youthink our review was inadquate why not post your own, we can do an update in a few weeks time.

In the mean time, I'd love to read some others..

I'd like to join!

Post 3

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

Hi!! Fame at lastsmiley - biggrin

We'd love you to post your own reviews. The reason the review today was a bit skimpy was because it was a new idea, and we panicked a bit to get it out in time. Hopefully the quality will improve in time.

I'd like to join!

Post 4


smiley - bigeyessmiley - choc ..mmmmm...

Thanks for the welcome, I don't know why I didn't realise you were all here before!! smiley - ok What a great club!!

I'm one of these people who buy a book to read with my lunch and end up being so engrossed that I stay up until the early hours finishing it! smiley - biggrin

I look forward to reading other peoples reviews!! smiley - cheers

Would you like to share my smiley - strawberries?

I'd like to join!

Post 5


Please!!! smiley - strawberry

It's normal to read a book without stopping isnt' it? you wouldn't stop half way through a film would you?

I'd like to join!

Post 6


Phew! I thought I was a little abnormal!!

Are you another who gets 'lost' in a novel Z?smiley - smiley

People can talk to me when I watch television, but reading? Forget it!!! smiley - laugh

smiley - strawberrysmiley - strawberrysmiley - strawberrysmiley - strawberrysmiley - strawberry For you!

I'd like to join!

Post 7

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

Don't! My Dad's so fed up with me getting engrossed in books and not talking! I don't know why, he should be glad of the peace and quiet!

I'd like to join!

Post 8


I missed my stop on the smiley - bus because I was reading smiley - blush

I'd like to join!

Post 9

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

smiley - laugh

I can never understand these people who read in the bath, I'd be so terrified of dropping the book.

I'd like to join!

Post 10


smiley - laughsmiley - bus

My only weakness! I can't read in the car or on a smiley - bus because it makes me feel smiley - illsmiley - sadface

I tried to read in the bath once, but no matter how much you dry your hands the steam makes the book soggysmiley - silly

I was reading a book called 'Rich man, Poor man' on the train on my way to work a few years ago, and it's quite a hefty book...
As my arms were aching I rested the book on the top of one the headrests and continued reading...

It was only when the train stopped at the next station a chap slowly moved my book away as said 'I'm sorry to disturb you, but I'm getting off at the next stop and my head was starting to get sore'

*furioussmiley - blush* from me and profuse aplogising!! Everyone laughed, I didn't even realise that I'd rested it on his head!! smiley - biggrin

I'd like to join!

Post 11


In my defence there are two bus stops 500 yards apart, and my house lies inbettween them! I can read on smiley - buses but not coaches!!

I'd like to join!

Post 12

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

"I can never understand these people who read in the bath, I'd be so terrified of dropping the book"

I've perfected the technique of reading in the shower smiley - laugh

I'd like to join!

Post 13

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

I really really wanna join this club... is that cool? I read like 5 books at a time, and average about 5 a week. I like all genres, starting to be more interested in non-fiction.

And I wanna know how to read in the shower. Do tell!

I'd like to join!

Post 14


Oooh pleased to have you! you're more than welcome!!! do let us know what you're reading, the best reiews (as we're shamelessly plugging!!!) form the basis of our colum in smiley - thepost

I'd like to join!

Post 15

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

I LOVE writing reviews!!! So I just write it up and submit it at the main club page? Or are we all reading the same books?

smiley - fairy

I'd like to join!

Post 16

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

There's a special page on for the submission of reviews, link at the top of the main club page. I'll add you to the list of members in a 'mo.

And yes, I have got to know how on earth you read in the shower!

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