A Conversation for H2G2 Bookworms Club

The internet Book List

Post 1

Raukodraug - Keeper of the Fullmoon Smiley [(2*(-1)+8-0)*(3+4)=42]

At the begining of March http://www.iblist.com came on-line. The idea is to create a website similar to the Internet Movie Database except for books. It's still just starting out, but I'd recomend checking it out if you're looking for something new to read.

Raukodraug smiley - fullmoon

The internet Book List

Post 2

Little Mischief

What a fantastic idea!

The internet Book List

Post 3


Wow! For a 'first draft', it's not a bad design. I just searched for some obscure titles and find them in there. Excellent! I've just bookmarked it.

The internet Book List

Post 4

Raukodraug - Keeper of the Fullmoon Smiley [(2*(-1)+8-0)*(3+4)=42]

It's still a little Sci-Fi and Fantasy heavy, but that will work itself out in time.

smiley - fullmoon

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