This is the Message Centre for manda1111

This place is so slow

Post 1


I am very busy in real life laterly, I don't get much time on the net. so when I do get on, I need a bit of Rest and Relaxation, but when I try to post on here, it gets me so smiley - steam that I land up going somewere else smiley - sadface

And I have had a Guide entry hidden cos I put a blob on there smiley - wah

manda smiley - peacedove

This place is so slow

Post 2


I've been busy too. I expect most of the students have as well. Is it the errors here which are the current problem? I thought they had been a little less - but then I haven't been on much to judge.

Having an entry hidden for a blob is a little odd. smiley - erm Are you sure it wasn't some other sort of picture. Otherwise it must have been quite some blob!


Post 3

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

What's up Mr.Manda! I'm back on hootoo! smiley - cheers


Post 4


Aaawww here , have some smiley - tea and calm down m'dear smiley - smiley
Hey! its been a while, how ya doing?


Post 5


I have not been getting any errors, just very dam slow smiley - sadface

It was a blob that you found for me ( B4015500white ), I have been told that it breaks the house rules smiley - erm
I will answer them later, but now I can't get into my hotmail smiley - wah

Hi Yankee-shoes smiley - love

not seen you for a while, how is your guitar playing going smiley - smiley

I have been very busy, but still finding time for a few smiley - ales at the weekend smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove


Post 6

Researcher 556780

Cor blimey....smiley - yikes

That's the first ever journal entry, I've ever seen posted by you Mr M! smiley - tongueout

Poor fing...I have no idea what blobs are...smiley - erm but sharn't worry too much about it smiley - nahnah

Some enforcers of house rules seem to get thier knickers in twist very quickly sometimes....*not all of em smiley - winkeye*

Perhaps it causes hiccups elsewhere on the site when you do the 'blob thang' smiley - laugh

Hope the hotmail works out eventually, my computer was all wierded out this morning..perhaps I turned it on to early, feck knows...fickle sensitive thing that it is...I guess its like me, if I don't wake up in this order...crawl out of bed, make coffee, drink coffee, open eyes..I don't perform very well..I guess the computer has to open its programs in the correct order then open its eyes *screen* otherwise simple tasks like 'get mail' really p*ss it off...smiley - laugh just like me smiley - coffee

I'm rambling....ah well..parr for the course..

*wanders off to aquaint self with Mr M's ps again smiley - biggrin

smiley - surfer


Post 7


I get up, start to roll a fag, turn on my puter on my way to make a cup of tea, make tea and then sit infront of my puter and then wake up smiley - winkeye

I suppose puters must feel the same smiley - rofl

I am still trying to sort my e-mail out, but I have found another way into it, so I will sort it out when I get round to it smiley - cool

manda smiley - peacedove


Post 8

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

hi manda
the man of my dreams
my pc has been playing silly beggers couldnt get mail couldnt get into the internet so i havent got my cd made yet i just scream
i dont want to bother you as you help me a lot and i know you are busy well ive got to believe you cause you say it
thanks for your help the other night your a treasure isnt that what angie says about you as well on a good day smiley - rofl
sl;eep tight jinty smiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - cakesmiley - ale


Post 9


you know I dont mind helping you smiley - love

what seems to be the problem with your PC smiley - sadface

manda smiley - peacedove


Post 10

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

The guitar playing is starting to come along again after a looong break. Maybe it's connected to the lack of tea in my life? Hmm. smiley - love

Been picking up the fiddle and mandolin as well... not so easy.


Post 11

JINTY. ...back in circulation again

hi manda
i cant get into the internet and messenger and this bloody wee note comes up in the bottom right hand corner saying (failed to resolve host )

i'm going to have a tantrum soon ...just a wee one though this would drive the patience of a saint and i aint no saint ha ha

i'll get they cds done sometime ......
hope you and angie are well
smiley - love jinty smiley - kiss


Post 12

Loup Dargent

smiley - run

I'll have to restart my Friends list one of theses days... I keep missing out on stuff...smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

Had a look at the blob... Perhaps it has to do with timing... I dunno... But then again things were not _that_ different in the world whenever this blob was made... smiley - weird

Oh and... "HI EVERYONE!!!!!!" 10:44am on my clock... That must have woken up a few people then...smiley - evilgrinsmiley - spacesmiley - run

Talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon


Post 13


Well I was told it was not meant to be on here so it breake the <./>houseRules</.>

when I get a minute I am going to ask what <./>houseRules</.>
it breaks

I wonder what idiot yiked it in the first place smiley - erm

manda smiley - peacedove


Post 14


Has the site seemed just a little faster to you too over the past couple of days?

The message boards got a lot better after some downtime the other week - but it didn't help at first because none of the newly posted messages were being stored/shown even when the boards were allegedly open for use again! smiley - online2long Now they are still faster and messages *are* being shown but people are still getting randomly sent to the great debate sometimes when they try to reply. smiley - weird


Post 15

Loup Dargent

SEF...smiley - smiley
Well, if my PC is anything to go by, the site does seem a bit faster...smiley - cracker

Though yesterday afternoon I had problems accessing anything on the web... It was like "The Day After Tomorrow" had happened...smiley - yikes Like it was the end of the www...smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - silly Scary that was...smiley - whistle

Manda...smiley - smiley
Yep, worth asking... I'm sure I've seen this blob on an official/edited entry somewhere... Perhaps something happened after that?!... Rather confusing...

Anyway, I hope that you are all enjoying the bank holiday... I sure do... Ooooooh... Look at the nice planes in the sky [again]!!!!smiley - applause Yep, it is Southend's Airshow this bank holiday weekend... And, as we live near the seafront we got the best view [from the upstairs windows]..smiley - bubbly

Talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon


Post 16

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

smiley - doh i know the feeling im sooooo busy too smiley - wah

romi smiley - angel

This place is so slow

Post 17


hello mate lonf time no hear yes its slow but hey could be worse could be yoome2 lmao

This place is so slow

Post 18

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

hiya right back and your right yoome2 is the pits smiley - rofl

smiley - erm hope you dont mind me asking but as you know me i should know you but dont recognise the username smiley - doh

romi smiley - angel

This place is so slow

Post 19


hi iam shug from sunny scotland i pop in from time to time

This place is so slow

Post 20


Hi shiftyshug smiley - ok

Nice to have you around smiley - biggrin

How are things in stenhousemuir smiley - smiley

manda smiley - peacedove

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