A Conversation for How to find a Coven

Peer Review: A735680 - How to find a Coven

Post 1


Entry: How to find a Coven - A735680
Author: Researcher 193184 - U193184

I would be interested in hearing any comments on this piece of writing from other Pagans.

A735680 - How to find a Coven

Post 2

Bels - an incurable optimist. A1050986

It's copyright.

A735680 - How to find a Coven

Post 3


Researcher 193184

Firstly, welcome to H2G2 smiley - smiley

Secondly, unless you are the person whom you quote in your entry as owning the copyright on the info you posted I would suggest you remove it. Reproducing other peoples work tends to be ever so slightly naughty.

However, if you are the person mentionned then you might want to read the <./>HouseRules</.> once you've posted anything to this site you no longer own exclusive copyright to the material so you might either want to reconsider posting it or remove the copyright notice.

PS, if you put an a few words onto your personal space then someone can pop round to say hello and show you around the site.

smiley - cheers

A735680 - How to find a Coven

Post 4


If the material is the property of the author, I see no reason to remove the copyright notice, as he would still retain copyrights. However (to the researcher), I do agree you might not want to share those copyrights with BBC (this is excellent material, btw smiley - ok), in which case the rest is valid. smiley - smiley

smiley - rose

A735680 - How to find a Coven

Post 5


Oops.. I must apologize and admit I had read your -other- guide entry (on Magick) and was confusing the two, but the gist of the message still goes.

A735680 - How to find a Coven

Post 6

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Interesting - but did you write it? I'm not getting cross with you or anything - it's just that we have to be careful about these things. It appears from the narrow column to have been copied and pasted from a webpage - is it yours?

Whoami? smiley - cake

A735680 - How to find a Coven

Post 7


Hi all, just to clear up any confusion, the author of the article is happy for their work to be used on other websites, as long as the copyright notice is displayed. Which is why we've let it stand.

Hope that helps everyone, and keep up the good work ACEs. smiley - smiley

A735680 - How to find a Coven

Post 8

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

smiley - smiley - but does that have problems regarding Editing, or is that all OK as well?

Whoami? smiley - cake

A735680 - How to find a Coven

Post 9


It's been removed from Peer Review, as that does make it unsuitable for the Edited Guide.

A735680 - How to find a Coven

Post 10

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

That's OK then. smiley - smiley

A735680 - How to find a Coven

Post 11


I'm still glad it's here.. even if it isn't 'official' smiley - smiley

A735680 - How to find a Coven

Post 12


Hello there,

It is an article written by myself, I am the author, and I am happy to share it, that is my main motivation for sharing information on the internet. The article is also available on my website and as such is pretty much public domain.

I will be making more articles available here in the coming months as I am sorting out my hardrive in favour of hardcopies of much the material I have gathered over the last few years -

Love and Blessings,

A735680 - How to find a Coven

Post 13


Hi Avalonia, it's great that you want to share your articles with h2g2. smiley - smiley As a pagan myself your entries are really interesting.

However, I feel that you should double check our terms and conditions because when you post content to h2g2 you grant the BBC certain rights over it. If you're happy doing this, then that's great! I look forward to seeing more of your articles in the future.

You can find out more here - http://www.bbc.co.uk/terms/

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